Improve workflow for creating custom blocks

Created on 3 July 2015, over 9 years ago
Updated 6 May 2023, over 1 year ago


Due to changes made in #2512456: Implement the new block layout design to emphasize the primary interaction of placing a block β†’ the previous action link for creating custom blocks was moved. This however made creating custom blocks non-obvious and the workflow for creating one somewhat convoluted.

The current workflow and UI state (courtesy of larowlan in #233 β†’ ):

  • Visit block layout
  • Click place block next to a region (modal)
  • Click add custom block action link (modal)
  • Redirect to block/add (non modal)
  • Add custom block content entity (non modal)
  • Redirect to place block form (non modal)
  • Save block placement
  • Redirect to block layout, new block highlighted

Note: The buttons on the current page were renamed to "Place block" solely because of the current action button (see #214 β†’ ), so it could also be changed back to "Add block" if it were to be removed.

Proposed resolution

Place the management of custom block content under /admin/content to achieve the following workflow which effectively cuts the number of required steps in half and makes more sense from a content manager's perspective.

  1. Visit Custom blocks (currently Custom block library)
  2. Click add custom block action link
  3. Save block
  4. Redirect to Custom blocks

Place the management of custom block types under /admin/structure to achieve the following workflow which reduces the number of required steps by two and makes more sense from a site-builder's perspective.

  1. Visit Block types
  2. Click add custom block type action link
  3. Save block type
  4. Redirect to Block types

Remaining tasks


User interface changes

Relocation of two block_content related sections.

API changes


Data model changes


Beta phase evaluation

<!--Uncomment the relevant rows for the issue. -->
πŸ“Œ Task

Closed: duplicate


10.1 ✨

Block contentΒ  β†’

Last updated 16 days ago

Created by

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States MattA

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