Account created on 12 July 2010, almost 14 years ago
  • Drupal developer at Skilld 

Recent comments

🇨🇴Colombia waspper

Just for Project Update Bot. Patch was commited.

🇨🇴Colombia waspper

Looks like patch wasn't working with latest stable, but it's ok. Just local issue.

🇨🇴Colombia waspper

Nice feature. IMHO, the contrib module ( ) could be a sub-module into Paragraphs project. very useful.

🇨🇴Colombia waspper

If you need tihis patch to work with #3362561, here an attempt:

🇨🇴Colombia waspper

For any reason, same patch from dev didn't apply in release. Added here, just in case.

🇨🇴Colombia waspper

First attempt. Please review/test attached patch.

🇨🇴Colombia waspper


Module is now complete. The handlers system works as expected; also each handler is able to have its own set of conditions. Both (handlers and conditions) are pluggable, so you can to define your own ones.

Also, the D9 and D10 compatibility has been fixed.

A new module version will be released very soon...

🇨🇴Colombia waspper

At this moment, the sub-module auctioneer_common_handlers provides 2 options (both with Tokens support):

  • Sending an email.
  • Sending a message to a Telegram conversation/channel/group.

IMHO, it's enough for now. Anyway, we can to add more "default ones" later. It's just a matter of new feature requests :)

🇨🇴Colombia waspper


Thanks for your comment :)

Well, at beginning, I believed the same. But after doing some tests, I noticed it was not as "flexible" as expected (for example, the fields and the token replacements). It could require some code to "transform" or make it compatible with all desired features (and the incoming ones). So, at the end, dealing with a custom one made it easier/more flexible to manage...

🇨🇴Colombia waspper


This new branch is "usable", said in a way... The latest needed relevant features were added, and there is at least one handler (email) to be added on provided events. Planning to add at least one more handler in next days, so basically there won't be big changes.

Any feedback/improvements are welcome!

🇨🇴Colombia waspper


This is being worked. We're almost done. But with a different approach: At the end, we've decided to use a pluggable system to allow the creation of custom handlers for both: auction_type and bid_type. So, basically we've based most of the "workflow" as Webform module does, 'cause it looks simple, effective and it allows to do more than just sending an email.

As mentioned above, most of the work is done. Still needed a bit of cleaning-up before creating a new module release. If you're interested about checking the progress of this, take a look to the 2.0.x branch, at Be warned: Do not use previous branch for production environments yet... We're sending several changes that could affect your website. Use it for testing, reviews or if possible, to provide any feedback about it.


🇨🇴Colombia waspper

There is a failing test about the same langcode for child entities. IMHO, it's not "valid", because this patch is in the way to allow having asymmetric content. I've removed some lines. Feel free to improve/blame :)

Production build 0.69.0 2024