🇨🇭Switzerland @michèle

Account created on 23 June 2010, over 14 years ago

Recent comments

🇨🇭Switzerland michèle

#8 is very helpful. thank you!

🇨🇭Switzerland michèle

@rajan kumar@2026: Thank you for the MR!
I can confirm, that the Patch works for Drupal 11.0.5.

🇨🇭Switzerland michèle

I can now confirm that the patch works with Drupal 11.0.5 (I have not installed ACL because I do not need the functionality).

🇨🇭Switzerland michèle

I can confirm that version 8.x-3.2 can be installed over 8.x-3.3 without any problem.

🇨🇭Switzerland michèle

Same problem here with version 8.x-3.3:

I need the "Create label AFTER first save", because I need the node ID:
[node:field_usecase:entity:name] - [node:field_category:entity:field_shorttext] (#[node:nid])

After the creation of a new node, the title is used as email subject:

function mymodule_mail($key, &$message, $params) {
  $message['subject'] = t('New reservation: @title', array('@title' => $params['node_title']), $options);

The mail function is called in mymodule_node_insert().

Resulting node title (correct!): Meeting - external (#2449)
Resulting email subject: New reservation: %AutoEntityLabel: f0039c70-6fdc-4729-be7b-f834a23bf31a%

With version 8.x-3.2, the Resulting email subject was correctly set to "New reservation: Meeting - external (#2449)".

When I set "Create label BEFORE first save", the resulting email subject is correct (!), but the node title is wrong:
Resulting node title (lacking ID): Team - internal (#)
Resulting email subject (correct!): New reservation: Team - internal (#2450)

Is it possible to go back to the old 8.x-3.2 version until this issue is fixed, or will I have problems due to a lack of backwards compatibility?

Thank you very much!

🇨🇭Switzerland michèle

@steven jones
I was not aware of the dependency with ACL.
Unfortunately, I cannot yet test whether Content Access works correctly with Drupal 11 (despite the lacking Drupal 11 version for ACL), as I cannot yet upgrade from Drupal 10.3.6 to Drupal 11 (PHP 8.3 is missing).
Do you think that it is not possible to install Drupal 11 as long as there is no Drupal 11 version for ACL?

🇨🇭Switzerland michèle

Thank you, olmyr!
The merge request !16 seems to work very well with Drupal 10.3.6.
I will test the functionality after the Drupal 11 upgrade (I'm currently in the preparation stages).

🇨🇭Switzerland michèle

Thank you so much @ananya.k!
I was able to install the patch without any problems. I will test the functionality after the Drupal 11 upgrade (I'm currently in the preparation stages).

🇨🇭Switzerland michèle

I was able to fix this issue by reinstalling the module:
composer reinstall drupal/bootstrap_barrio

🇨🇭Switzerland michèle

I can confirm #23, too. Thank you!

But bear in mind, that you have to
drush en symfony_mailer_bc
again, after updatedb, as 10007 will disable the module.

🇨🇭Switzerland michèle

Thank you so much!
The correct template name is indeed email--webform--my-form-my-handler.html.twig.
Perhaps it really was a cache issue (I've cleared the cache with drush - perhaps this was not enough).

🇨🇭Switzerland michèle

Thank you, Adam.
I have seen the docs, but I was not able to determine the correct template names.

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