Austin, TX, USA
Account created on 18 September 2006, over 18 years ago

Recent comments

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

jdleonard created an issue.

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Updated Publicity section to include links to Community Events, Meetup, Luma, Eventbrite, LinkedIn, and Member Platform.

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Fixed broken link.

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

I drafted requirements for Austin Drupal Users Group / TexasDUG. Undoubtedly it could use some more detail. I'm also engaging other organizers to further refine the requirements.

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Curious whether there have been any recent discussions about this now that Keycloak has been implemented.

Thought of this again in the context of Member Platform , which could become a viable platform for any given local association / DUG / affinity group to manage and communicate with its members and offer event registration.

As I mentioned in #21, there are numerous benefits to the Drupal community of allowing SSO against for these groups.

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Added Member Platform initiative

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

jdleonard created an issue.

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Thank you to those who onboarded today!

| CRM | Membership
🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

I need to analyze this more fully, but some very quick questions/thoughts...

  1. CRM Membership -- Status -- Things to consider capturing: "Future", "Active", "Expired", "Suspended", "Cancelled/Voided/Revoked", "Grace period" (though the first three can be computed from the start/end date so perhaps the last three are the interesting ones)
  2. CRM Membership -- Visibility -- Consider a flag determining whether a membership is public (e.g. "show this membership on our list of members"). This could instead be a Contact-level preference, but I could foresee use cases where a member wants one membership public (e.g. "general member") and another non-public (e.g. "ultra rich benefactor"). I guess there's a higher-level question of how/where to track privacy/visibility of membership.
  3. CRM Membership Type -- Duration -- consider supporting all RFC 3339 durations ( uses its precursor). I've seen 90 minute memberships e.g. at a trampoline park. Maybe best to not unnecessarily restrict flexibility at the data model level (I could certainly see not exposing every option by default at the UI level).
  4. CRM Membership Type -- Fixed Period rollover -- how does this work?
  5. CRM Membership Log -- what is this for?
  6. How to handle a multi-person membership (that is not an entire household)? E.g. my local YMCA offers a membership including "two adults of the same household" (they also offer a true household membership). Or offers "Family of 2", "Family of 3" etc. There seems to be a more general need for tracking the Contacts that a Household or Organization's Membership covers. Perhaps one Membership could be dependent on another e.g. YMCA example could be represented as a Household "Two-Person Membership" + two Memberships for the specific people in the Household? This approach would suggest (at least) a reference between (some) Memberships. Perhaps also specifying a Sub-Contact Type for a Membership Type.
  7. Building on the previous bullet, how to handle a membership model wherein an overall membership (e.g. "3-Year Family of 5") covers a different set of people over the course of the membership and not necessarily the maximum number of people. This is similar to seat licensing.
🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

As I mentioned on today's call, I think this gets the concept right.

With greater thought, my suggestions:

  • Incorporate the globe from AI logo #9 to make clear that it is globally oriented
  • Simplify the design of the podium like #9 -- the current shape is a bit distracting / harder to parse, perhaps due to all the angles
  • Consider the Druplicon as the speaker rather than as a backdrop (again like #9)

Take this with a grain of salt; I'm a horrible designer.

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Converted participant list to use d.o usernames to ease crediting

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Converted participant list to use d.o usernames to ease crediting

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Converted participant list to use d.o usernames to ease crediting

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Converted participant list to use d.o usernames to ease crediting

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Converted participant list to use d.o usernames to ease crediting

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Converted participant list to use d.o usernames to ease crediting

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Fixed participants to use any d.o usernames specified in item 0 plus some detective work

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Fixed participants to use any d.o usernames specified in item 0 plus some detective work

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Fixed participants to use any d.o usernames specified in item 0

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Fixed participants to use any d.o usernames specified in item 0 plus some detective work

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Fixed participants to use any d.o usernames specified in item 0

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Fixed participants to use any d.o usernames specified in item 0

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Adding notes and participants.

Needs review and credits.

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Adding notes and participants.

Needs review and credits.

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Adding notes and participants.

Needs review and credits.

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Adding notes and participants.

Needs review and credits.

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Adding notes and participants.

Needs review and credits.

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Adding notes and participants.

Needs review and credits.

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Just noting that the link to the video doesn't work.

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

The "Download Recipes" link at points to which redirects to which isn't where one "downloads" recipes.

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

I like the design, but I think the concepts of "conference" and "speaker" are lost (reminds me more of "dramatic production") and should be paramount. I suggest something involving a podium or maybe a microphone, slideshow, etc.

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

On today's Event Platform meeting, I showed creation of some logos using

Uploaded vaguely promising creations here per Martin's request. Feel free to use/abuse!

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Life is hard, but I'll eventually manage to show up for a meeting any weekday 10:30am ET or later :)

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

@w01f Fair enough. I was riffing off of "Require registration to launch sites" in the issue summary.

🇺🇸United States jdleonard Austin, TX, USA

Not sure whether the capability exists yet, but I think it will be possible to integrate with SSO.

Production build 0.71.5 2024