Life is hard, but I'll eventually manage to show up for a meeting any weekday 10:30am ET or later :)
seantwalsh β credited jdleonard β .
@w01f Fair enough. I was riffing off of "Require registration to launch sites" in the issue summary.
Not sure whether the capability exists yet, but I think it will be possible to integrate with SSO.
Copying the files changed by into my sub-theme resolved the error for me.
I ran into this as well while simply viewing a page node. It might have been using a sub-theme, but I hadn't made any changes to the sub-theme.
Patch in #16 worked around the issue I was encountering: inability to create a user (without SAML) in a non-production environment that does not have the keys required by SAML.
There's a patch that works around item 2 in #3 at π Use externalauth::register event vs hook_user_presave Needs work
Noting that the patch in #4 does not apply to 1.4.0
This was undone by π Drag to re-order doesn't work without autocomplete Fixed .
This added back the "Drag to re-order {entity_type}" help text that was removed in π remove "Drag to re-order {entity_type}" Fixed . Was this intentional or unintentional?
Also related: β¨ Make it possible to disable reordering (drag & drop) Needs review
The patches are not yet relevant to Group 3.x.
I found that I had to do the following to programmatically add a group role for a user with an existing membership:
// Get the user's membership in the group.
$membership = $group->getMember($account);
// If the user is already a member of the group.
if ($membership) {
/** @var \Drupal\group\GroupMembership $membership */
$group_roles = $membership->getRoles(FALSE);
$has_member_role = FALSE;
foreach ($group_roles as $group_role) {
if ($group_role->id() == $member_role) {
$has_member_role = TRUE;
// If the user doesn't already have the member role in this group.
if (!$has_member_role) {
// Add the member role for this user.
$group_relationship = $membership->getGroupRelationship();
$group_relationship->group_roles[] = $member_role;
This patch did not address the issue for us.
if (($now + self::REQUEST_TIMEOUT) < REQUEST_TIME)
is equivalent to:
which will always be false.
Perhaps also part of the problem is the use of REQUEST_TIME
instead of time()
. In the event that this code is reached from a long-running process (i.e. where the request started more than 60 seconds ago), the problem will be compounded.
Our use case involves operations performed by long-running Drush command executions though I don't believe that our niche use case is the only one that would be affected.
#17 applied to 10.1.3 and allowed my view with aggregation to work with a Moderation State field.
Setting to Needs Review as there are no steps to reproduce the error described in #18 and this is working for me.
Bug still exists in Group 3.2.0. #27 and #19 apply cleanly, but do not resolve the problem. Removing the group permission from the view's access control setting does, but of course that access restriction is there for a reason!
jdleonard β created an issue.
Patch appears to work for me on Drupal 10.1.1. Thanks!
Cross-referencing Acquia support case #00975363
jdleonard β created an issue.
seantwalsh β credited jdleonard β .
#2 worked for me. I reported this at #3120168-5: No available releases found β and was directed here. Thank you!