Melbourne, VIC
Account created on 30 November 2009, about 15 years ago
  • Technical Account Manager at Acquia 

Recent comments

🇦🇺Australia dscl Melbourne, VIC

I believe we still need to fix 🐛 PrepareModulesEntityUninstallForm::formTitle does not exist Needs work so we have the expected behaviour for a form that is part of core, but something like the baby sitting mentioned on #100 would still be necessary to ensure other modules wouldn't fall into the same problem.
And that addition would be contextually fine to be part of this issue.

Then thinking again, if the try/catch gets added here, the issue may not depend on the other being fixed and could be back on track to be committed.

🇦🇺Australia dscl Melbourne, VIC

There is an open issue for fixing the missing _title_callback: 🐛 PrepareModulesEntityUninstallForm::formTitle does not exist Needs work

@lrowlan, @xjm and I have discussed it here at DrupalSouth 2024 just now, and we will be working on that issue to get it fixed.
And as consequence we agree to mark this as postponed.

Production build 0.71.5 2024