Hm. After this commit views_handler_area_result is broken 'cause all variables referenced later with curly braces syntax were removed....
Hm. After upgrade to php 8.1 and MariaDB 10.5 #17 starts to give WSOD. Have no time to investigate, so just reverted it. Keep it in mind.
Module attaches last version of 2.1 Yandex API, so all users are affected by default.
Same here. It seems that calling especially _ctools_features_get_info() (first called from inside of features_include() and later from features_ctools_plugin_api_alter() itself) is the cause.
Reroll #124 for 7.98
#3262304 was not backported to 1.x and version 1.0 still shows warning on php 8.1
Hm. Issues you mention are addressed by #3062480
Coalescing doesn't work fine as mb_check_encoding considers empty string as error too. So first patch works better:
Reroll for 1.8.
#11 worked fine for upgrade from 2.7 to 3.6. Have disabled module, replaced files, applied patch and run "drush updb".
Reroll for current contrib version.
Was solved in 1.8, see #2566561: PHP 5.6 SSL operation failed with code 1 →
Tried #40 with "cache.backend.memcache_transaction_aware" as backend on site with huge traffic and slow DB (so the chance for race conditions is bigger) - no way, still the same behaviour. Node saving process started, cache is invalidated first, someone requests page, cache is populated with old data, then node actually saves in DB and we got stale cache until i manually invalidate appropriate cache tag using drush... With DB or Redis backend all is OK on that site!