🇨🇭Switzerland @megadesk3000

Account created on 4 November 2009, over 14 years ago
  • Senior Application Engineer at Unic 

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🇨🇭Switzerland megadesk3000

Hi togethter

I had the same error when creating a new media image via the backend ui on /media/add/image, after i installed filefield_paths module.
For me it was the case, that $file->filename was not present and therefore the same error came up.

I adjusted the patch slighty and now it works in my case.

Added a patch and an interdiff.

🇨🇭Switzerland megadesk3000

We were using the patch and recognized that the implode statement that has been inserted is in wrong parameter order and therefor the emergency logging will never happen.

$headers = implode($headers, '<br>');

$headers = implode('<br>', $headers);

Corrected patch added.

🇨🇭Switzerland megadesk3000

Found another missing access check in the original patch and fixed it.

🇨🇭Switzerland megadesk3000

We used the patch from #4 but the issue was back on D10.1.
I adjusted the regex with the changes i found in https://www.drupal.org/project/advagg/issues/3377084 🐛 css_defer_external option does not work if CSS URL contains characters not allowed by the regex Needs review and now the 403/404 page shows correct again.
Without the changes i get whitescreen since the "old" regex leads to a "Backtrack Limit Exhausted" error which leads en empty content variable afterwards which results in the whitescreen.

🇨🇭Switzerland megadesk3000

The patch in 33 has a problem together with drupal 10.1 since the line
$store_ids = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('commerce_store')->getQuery()->condition('uid', $account->id())->accessCheck()->execute();
is missing the mandatory access check.

I add a patch that fixes that.

🇨🇭Switzerland megadesk3000

Thanks neclimul!
I use
"3399951: Fix ajax_page_state leaks through request in Views Ajax": "https://git.drupalcode.org/project/drupal/-/commit/827b13b4bd8beaf77861b86b8ace48500ecdf6d1.patch"
in my composer patches section. That seems to resolve the issue for us.

Thanks again for the hint.

🇨🇭Switzerland megadesk3000

I experience the same issue in Drupal 10.1.6 using Facets 2.0.6 and the MR does not apply here.
Is there also a version of the Patch for Drupal 10 somewhere?

🇨🇭Switzerland megadesk3000

Since Drupal 8 support has been dropped the patch does not apply anymore to make the 2.2.x version d10 compatible.
I'll add a rerolled patch.

🇨🇭Switzerland megadesk3000

Almost 2 years later, while in the middle of a drupal 10 upgrade of an existing site, i need this patch on the 3.x branch and it does not apply.
So i rerolled it.

🇨🇭Switzerland megadesk3000

I experience the same issue after upgrading drupal/components to version 3.0.0-beta3 and i can confirm that the patch fixes the issue.

What i am not sure about is how the functionality implemented in \Drupal\graphql_twig\Template\Loader\Loader::findTemplate can work together with the new components definition syntax.

If one is using components and defined some namespaces in his thems info file like:

      - src
      - src/base

So after this, listComponents() will never be called in the findTemplate function, since $info['components'] will always be an array.
We are not using the "components" functionality from graphql_twig and i am not sure, what exactly it does.
For our case it fixes the issue, but if one has defined "components" in graphql_twig context in his themes info.yml then it will not work togethter with the new syntax from components.

🇨🇭Switzerland megadesk3000

We are using the patch from #5 which does not apply against latest 8.x-1.x branch.
I rerolled that patch and added more allowed rel attributes from https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_a_rel.asp

Just for people that are already using an older version of this patch.

🇨🇭Switzerland megadesk3000

I added a patch, that does the following:

In EntityComparisonController::compare() a check has been added after the Entity has been loaded.

      // Go through entities.
      foreach ($entity_comparison_list[$entity_type][$bundle_type][$entity_comparison_id] as $entity_id) {
        // Get entity.
        $entity = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage($entity_type)->load($entity_id);
        // First check if the entity still exists before accessing methods on it.
        if (!$entity) {
          // Remove the entity from the list, since it does not exist.
          $this->processRequest($entity_comparison, $entity_id);
        if ($entity->hasTranslation($this->languageManager->getCurrentLanguage()->getId())) {
          $entity = $entity->getTranslation($this->languageManager->getCurrentLanguage()->getId());

If the entity does not exist, it gets removed from the entity comparison list as well automatically.

🇨🇭Switzerland megadesk3000

Don't know exactly if this is the same issue, but when i am trying to enable the symfony_mailer module in its 1.x-dev version i get the following error:

www-data@9da9a3bd1635:/app$ drush en symfony_mailer

In Container.php line 147:

  Circular reference detected for service "language_manager", path: "language_request_subscriber -> language_manager -> config.factory -> plugin.manager.email_builder -> entity_type.manager -> string_translation -> strin

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceCircularReferenceException: Circular reference detected for service "entity_type.manager", path: "user_last_access_subscriber -> entity_type.manager -> string_translation -> string_translator.locale.lookup -> config.factory -> plugin.manager.email_builder". in /app/web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php:147
🇨🇭Switzerland megadesk3000

I experience the same issue using Version 1.12.0 of minifyhtml together with Drupal 9.5.3
If i enable the option "Strip comments from the source HTML" i receive an empty response which results in the browser's 404 page beeing shown.

🇨🇭Switzerland megadesk3000

I experience the exact same issue on the 4.x branch with D9.5 and PHP 8.1

🇨🇭Switzerland megadesk3000

I have the same issue still in the 2.x Version of entity_clone.
The issue I have is with cloning a user more than once.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a user with name "user_original"
2. Clone the user the first time. No errors occur. The user gets cloned correctly.
3. Clone the "original" user once again. Now I get the "integrity constrained violation"

Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'user_original_cloned-de' for key 'user__name': INSERT INTO "users_field_data" ("uid", "langcode", "preferred_langcode", "preferred_admin_langcode", "name", "pass", "mail", "timezone", "status", "created", "changed", "access", "login", "init", "default_langcode") VALUES (:db_insert_placeholder_0, :db_insert_placeholder_1, :db_insert_placeholder_2, :db_insert_placeholder_3, :db_insert_placeholder_4, :db_insert_placeholder_5, :db_insert_placeholder_6, :db_insert_placeholder_7, :db_insert_placeholder_8, :db_insert_placeholder_9, :db_insert_placeholder_10, :db_insert_placeholder_11, :db_insert_placeholder_12, :db_insert_placeholder_13, :db_insert_placeholder_14); 

I w ill try to provide a patch, that makes the cloned username unique by adding a suffix to the cloned username if needed.

🇨🇭Switzerland megadesk3000

I can confirm, that the error occurs and the patch fixes it.

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