🇬🇧United Kingdom @RobbM

Account created on 10 October 2009, over 14 years ago

Recent comments

🇬🇧United Kingdom RobbM

@iancawthorne, #5 patched OK against 1.x-dev here (using composer require 'drupal/jquery_carousel:1.x-dev@dev').

However, Upgrade Status reports that there are still three issues…

  1. web/modules/contrib/jquery_carousel/jquery_carousel.module (line 323)
    Call to deprecated method getImplementations() of class Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface. Deprecated in drupal:9.4.0 and is removed from drupal:10.0.0. Instead you should use ModuleHandlerInterface::invokeAllWith() for hook invocations or you should use ModuleHandlerInterface::hasImplementations() to determine if hooks implementations exist.
  2. web/modules/contrib/jquery_carousel/jquery_carousel.libraries.yml (line 0)
    The 'drupal.jquery_carousel' library is depending on a deprecated library. The "core/jquery.ui.widget" asset library is deprecated in drupal:9.2.0 and is removed from drupal:10.0.0. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3067969
  3. web/modules/contrib/jquery_carousel/jquery_carousel.libraries.yml (line 0)
    The 'jquery_ui_carousel' library is depending on a deprecated library. The "core/jquery.ui.widget" asset library is deprecated in drupal:9.2.0 and is removed from drupal:10.0.0. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3067969
🇬🇧United Kingdom RobbM

In hindsight, the drop-down might be respecting the sort criteria, just not the Views Tree "grouping". Will double check and come back…

🇬🇧United Kingdom RobbM

Steps to reproduce:

  1. mkdir EntityReferenceFilterTestProject
  2. composer create-project "drupal/recommended-project:~9" EntityReferenceFilterTestProject/repo
  3. cd EntityReferenceFilterTestProject/repo
  4. sed -i 's/"stable"/"dev"/' composer.json # Or for macOS: sed -i '' 's/"stable"/"dev"/' composer.json
  5. composer require drupal/entityreference_filter drupal/menu_entity_index drupal/views_tree
  6. Install Drupal…
  7. Enable modules: Menu Entity Index, Views Reference Filter, Views Tree.
  8. Create Basic pages with titles as follows – adding each to the Main navigation menu:
    1. Cats (probably nid 1)
    2. Dogs (probably nid 2)
    3. Snails (probably nid 3)
    4. Sphinx (probably nid 4)
    5. Persian (probably nid 5)
    6. Moggy (probably nid 6)
    7. Husky (probably nid 7)
    8. Chow Chow (probably nid 8)
    9. Akita (probably nid 9)
    10. Mutt (probably nid 10)
  9. Arrange in Main navigation menu as follows:
    1. Home
    2. Cats
      1. Persian
      2. Sphinx
      3. Moggy
    3. Dogs
      1. Akita
      2. Chow Chow
      3. Husky
      4. Mutt
    4. Snails
  10. Configure Menu Entity Index to track Main navigation and Content.
  11. Create view of Content, e.g. "Classification":
    1. Change Pager to Display all items.
    2. Add Relationship to Menu link ID, with an Administrative title of "Menu link". Require this relationship.
    3. Add Relationship to Parent menu link ID, with an Administrative title of "Parent link". Do not require this relationship.
    4. Add Relationship to Content (Menu Entity Index), with an Administrative title of "Parent node". Use relationship "Parent link". Do not require this relationship.
    5. Add field for ID (Content) with no relationship. Move this to the top of the fields list.
    6. Add field for Weight (Custom menu link) with a relationship to Menu link.
    7. Add fields for ID (Content) and Title (Content) – each with a relationship to Parent node.
    8. Add field for Weight (Custom menu link) with a relationship to Parent link.
    9. Add Entity Reference display.
    10. Change Format to TreeHelper (Adjacency model), setting:
      1. Search fields to Content: Title.
      2. Main field to (first) Content: ID.
      3. Parent field to (second) Content: ID.
    11. Remove sort criteria.
    12. Add sort criteria:
      1.  Weight with a relationship to Menu link.
      2.  Weight with a relationship to Parent link.

      Note that the sort order in the preview now echoes the menu order.

    13. Exclude all fields apart from Content: Title.
  12. Add Reference, Content field to Basic pages, e.g. "Compatible":
    1. Limit to a single value.
    2. Select the view created above for the Reference method.
    3. Change the field from Autocomplete to Select list for the Form display.
  13. Create or edit a Basic page.

    Note that sort order in the drop-down for the field created above is not the same as previously seen in the preview, i.e. it no longer echoes the menu order. (Not exactly the original issue, but closely related.)

  14. Create view of Content, e.g. "Animals":
    1. Change Pager to Display all items.
    2. Add Page display with a path, e.g. "animals".
    3. Add entity reference filter for the field created above, e.g. "Content: Compatible (field_compatible) (entityreference filter)", and expose it.

    Note that sort order in the drop-down for the filter is not the same as previously seen in the preview, i.e. it no longer echoes the menu order.

🇬🇧United Kingdom RobbM

Thanks for investigating. I thought I'd found that it was any relationship, but perhaps it was the inclusion of views_tree…

I'll try to put together the simplest set of steps to reproduce the issue repeatedly.

🇬🇧United Kingdom RobbM

"It add the menu_link_content table to views and a relation on nodes."

Does it actually do that for you? I'm not seeing anything here – i.e. when creating a view of Content (nodes) and adding a Relationship, I expected to see an option for Menu Tree, but do not.

I'm currently tempted to raise a critical bug report to that effect, but maybe I'm missing something…

(Fortunately, I seem to have achieved the intended result with a combination of Menu Entity Index and Views Tree .)

🇬🇧United Kingdom RobbM

According to views_menu_relationship.info.yml, this module "Enables sorting views by the menu order of nodes".

However, having installed it, I'm not seeing any option to do so. Therefore, some basic documentation would undoubtedly be useful (assuming that it actually does do what it says…)

🇬🇧United Kingdom RobbM


  "extra": {
      "installer-paths": {
          "libraries/{$name}": ["type:drupal-library"]

also be updated to

  "extra": {
      "installer-paths": {
          "web/libraries/{$name}": ["type:drupal-library"]


That's what other libraries seem to require (and therefore what's already in my composer.json.)

🇬🇧United Kingdom RobbM

Yes, flushed all caches. (I've also tried different themes, just in case. But still experience the issue.)

Inspecting the document, I see lines such as the following…

<li class="ui-menu-item- ui-menu-item">
    <div class="ui-autocomplete-fields ">
      <div class="ui-autocomplete-field-0">
        <i class="fa-solid fa-<span class=" ui-autocomplete-field-term">file fa-fw fa-2x"></i>
        <i class="fa-regular fa-<span class=" ui-autocomplete-field-term>file fa-fw fa-2x"></i>
        <i class="fa-sharp fa-solid fa-<span class=" ui-autocomplete-field-term">file fa-fw fa-2x"></i>
        <i class="fa-sharp fa-regular fa-<span class=" ui-autocomplete-field-term">file fa-fw fa-2x"></i>
        <span class="ui-autocomplete-field-term">file</span>

So it looks like the spans are being inserted erroneously.

We updated search_autocomplete (from 2.0.2 to 3.0.0) at the same time, and other autocompletions still seem to work fine. But perhaps it's that…

🇬🇧United Kingdom RobbM

Yes, it's still there with the dev version, unfortunately. (Have also upgraded to D10, but that's made no difference either.)

🇬🇧United Kingdom RobbM

Actually, the above fix is included in https://www.drupal.org/project/flexslider/issues/3297249#comment-15137802 📌 Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes Fixed . So you're probably better off using that…

🇬🇧United Kingdom RobbM

While the dev version suggests it is compatible with D10 (i.e. https://www.drupal.org/project/flexslider/releases/8.x-2.x-dev ), there may still be issues to address (i.e. https://www.drupal.org/project/flexslider/issues/3297249 📌 Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes Fixed ).

Nevertheless, having encountered a similar issue in Drupal 9, it seems that there may be an erroneous period in flexslider.libraries.yml - i.e. it references flexslider.load..min.js rather than flexslider.load.min.js. The attached patch should remove that period, so that the library is found.

🇬🇧United Kingdom RobbM

Encountered the same issue when updating a site on which the theme previously worked (even though the site was configured not to show warnings).

However, it seems to have been resolved by the patch at:

Production build 0.69.0 2024