🇮🇩Indonesia @winnie80

Account created on 17 April 2009, over 15 years ago

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🇮🇩Indonesia winnie80

did you find any solution to this problem?
i've tried to first disable my custom "checkout step" item from all checkout flow
but still on uninstall page "admin/modules/uninstall/confirm"
there is still information , "The listed configuration will be deleted."
any suggestion ?

🇮🇩Indonesia winnie80

Any update on this?
I use latest version 2.0.0-alpha4 and notice the following.
Ajax process was triggered when submit button is clicked, because the loading animation is started.
However than the page is still being refreshed.

🇮🇩Indonesia winnie80

hai there,
it has been 4 months
is there any plan to make an official d10 compatible version of this module?

🇮🇩Indonesia winnie80

I have tried by update "auctions" to 2.1.x-dev
And install "extra_field" module, but I could not find "BiddersForm" as renderer.

The countdown is not visibile.
But the bidding form is still not being renderer.
See the screenshot
Left is content type "auction_item" , new custom content type where only countdown is being shown
Right is content type "auction" , default "auctions" module content type.

I have checked auctions_node_view() within auctions.module
Could it not be changed and stright to line 96

 * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_view().
function auctions_node_view(array &$build, EntityInterface $entity, EntityViewDisplayInterface $display, $view_mode) {
$auctionItem = $entity->hasField('field_auction_item') && !$entity->get('field_auction_item')->isEmpty() ? $entity->field_auction_item->referencedEntities() : FALSE;
    if ($auctionItem) {

Or is there a reason why the bidding form is visible limited to content type "auction" ?

🇮🇩Indonesia winnie80

thank you.

so the solution are
install that "extra_field" module
and update "auctions" module to the latest ?

I'm not following, what do you mean by

need field install sets for sites being updated. *above comment placement

🇮🇩Indonesia winnie80

Thanks for your quick reply.
The users has access to "access bidding form".
I even use uid 1 with admin role to open this new content type and still no form visible.
Do you have other suggestion how to check why no form is shown?
I attached a screenshot.
Left is content type "auction_item" with no visible bidder form.
And right is the default auctions module "auction" with visible bidder form.

🇮🇩Indonesia winnie80

Apologize to ask my question in this open issue
But I think my situation is similar to this issue.

The auctions bidding form works fine on content type "auction".
Now I need to add another content type, lets say "auction_item".
I have added it, also adding "auction item" in manage field.
Unfortunately the auction bidding form did not shown.
I have tried to set this "auction item" field to active, label hidden, and shown entity as "standard".
Still this bidding form did not shown.
I have change shown entity now as "auctions_frontpage", still the same, no bidding form.

Can you please how can I make this auctions bidding form appear on new content type?
Is this even possible?
Or auctions bidding form is only available under content type "auction" ?

Thanks for your help

🇮🇩Indonesia winnie80

apologize for late reply
what I see is as followed
in commerce , the currency settings is in this path /admin/commerce/config/currencies
while auctions has separate settings in /admin/structure/auctions

in our setup commerce is already installed and configured first, so the currency is already set to support in our case "EUR" only
but when we install auctions module, the currency is set by default out of the box is "CAD"

this is why i ask for this currency integration

i do notice within auctions' currency settings there is a message

Commerce Price is active.
Adjust active Store currencies as needed admin/commerce/config/currencies

but in our case we do need to adjust/activate currency manually in /admin/structure/auctions

  • install commerce
  • configure everything to your need, including currency, which is in our site "EUR"
  • run some checkout
  • now download and install auctions module
  • setup the auctions product
  • notice the default currency is CAD
  • need to manually change currency in path /admin/structure/auctions
🇮🇩Indonesia winnie80

Yes, Bogdan, on my side the iDeal payment is now working correctly.

🇮🇩Indonesia winnie80

Borgan, is it possible to use latest adyen api with this module?
The latest version is currently v17.
Perhaps that is why the url parameter naming is incorrect , due to change in version after 13 ?

🇮🇩Indonesia winnie80

Finally found the main cause of this problem.
It is in commerce_adyen_drop_in/src/PluginForm/OffsiteRedirect/PaymentOffsiteForm.php line 37 and line 38.
Because of typo in getting url parameters.
It should be "sessionId" on line 37 and "redirectResult" on line 38.
After adjusting those lines, your module works like a charm using iDeal payment.

🇮🇩Indonesia winnie80

The error I mention previously is related to Avatax module, which we are not use at this moment.
So I remove it, no more error coming from Avatax module.

However the iDeal checkout trouble is still persistant.
This time no error recorded in drupal report logs.
So not sure what is wrong with it.

The same as before, our site got webhook notification from Adyen (this time after 2 minutes)
And this notification change the order state from "draft" to "completed".

Payment captured via adyen_dropin_ym for € 10,00.
Transaction ID: GVBZH389K6ZW8N82.
🇮🇩Indonesia winnie80

Thank you Bogdan.

For iDeal, I have created a separate issue.
https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce_adyen_drop_in/issues/3417730 🐛 unable to finish checkout when selecting iDeal Active

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