#89: bug report doesn't show up if submitted the wrong way → () causes "Only variables should be passed by reference" notice in function Drupal\views\Plugin\views\row\RssFields->render() (/.../web/core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/row/RssFields.php line 248.)
Re-rolled against 8.x-1.3
fox mulder → created an issue.
Dmitri's solution contained an error, the $quiz_closed
was the result of $request_time
and start date of the quiz:
$quiz_closed = $request_time >= $quiz_date->start_date->getTimestamp();
the correct line is:
$quiz_closed = $request_time >= $quiz_date->end_date->getTimestamp();
The issue persists in Drupal 10 when the userprotect module is enabled and a protection rule is created as part of deployment process using the drush config:import command.
patch created
fox mulder → created an issue.
fox mulder → created an issue.
fox mulder → created an issue.
a possible workaround without patching core:
function my_custom_module__field_widget_form_alter(&$element, &$form_state, $context) {
if ($context['field']['type'] == 'image') {
foreach ($element as $delta => $child) {
if (isset($child['#upload_validators']['file_validate_is_image']) && is_array($child['#upload_validators']['file_validate_is_image']) && empty($child['#upload_validators']['file_validate_is_image'])) {
Hi @vistree!
I ran into a similar problem and I want to test your suggestion but /core/modules/content_translation/src/Plugin/views/filter doesn't exist in core 10.3.5
Can you explain your solution?
patch added in #35 causes error:
Uncaught PHP Exception TypeError: "draggableviews_views_pre_render(): Argument #1 ($view) must be of type ViewExecutable, Drupal\\views\\ViewExecutable given" at .../web/modules/contrib/draggableviews/draggableviews.module line 276
The PreparePaymentResponseModel result if I try to connect to non-existent acceptance place doesn't have Status property. The exception comes from this situation.
The attached patch allows more elegant debugging
I experience the same as TLWatson
Core: 10.3.2
Entity Embed: 8.x-1.6
Sorry, it was my mistake. I tried to connect to the test.barion.com server in Prod mode.
fox mulder → created an issue.
fox mulder → created an issue.
fox mulder → created an issue.
fox mulder → created an issue.
#212 🐛 Facets with AJAX not working in most of situations Needs work works for me too
d10 version of #30 🐛 Display meaningful error messages according to the link type Needs work
Hi everybody!
We use this patch on a hungarian website, but calling iconv() function with 'ISO-8859-1' value in the second parameter replaces special hungarian characters ( eg. 'ő', 'ű' ) to question marks.
I don't uderstand the code, but why is the iconv() call necessary?
fox mulder → created an issue.
patch for ^4.0, I didn't test it
#2 works great
drupal core: 10.2.3
seckit: 2.0.1
xmlsitemap: 8.x-1.5
#42 ✨ Add: "View any unpublished [entity_type]" permission Needs work works as expected
core: 10.2.3
entity: 8.x-1.4
don't use it, it's just a suggestion
fox mulder → created an issue.
maybe duplicate of https://www.drupal.org/project/smart_date/issues/3409287 📌 Deprecation in Drupal 10.2: Smart Date List Item allowed values must be passed as array Active
I found:
public function logout() {
$user = $this->currentUser;
if ($this->autoLogoutSettings->get('use_watchdog')) {
'Session automatically closed for %name by autologout.',
['%name' => $user->getAccountName()]
// Destroy the current session.
if (!array_key_exists('HTTP_USER_AGENT', $_SESSION)) {
$this->moduleHandler->invokeAll('user_logout', [$user]);
$user->setAccount(new AnonymousUserSession());
@anuj423: where did you place this code in AutologoutManager.php exactly?
same here, when I try to enable the Empty paragraph filter in a text format where the ckeditor5 is the enabled editor
I'm sorry for your invested time and attention... The source of the problem is the bad configuration on the Google Maps API, and Place api side
I don't know what's wrong yet, but probably your module works properly
Thank you!
There are no error message on the screen nor in the logs...
The site where I want to use the Google reviews module
Core version: 9.4.10
Google reviews version: 1.1.2
simplytest.me test:
Core version: 9.5.8
Google reviews version: 1.1.2
I also tried changing the code on the site where I can access the code of the module. I modified the build() functions of the blocks, but the blocks still don't appear:
public function build() {
$config = $this->getConfiguration();
$reviews = $this->getGoogleData->getGoogleReviews(['rating', 'reviews'], $config['max_google_reviews'], $config['google_reviews_sorting']);
if (!empty($reviews)) {
$renderable = [
'#attached' => ['library' => ['googlereviews/googlereviews.reviews']],
'#theme' => 'googlereviews_reviews_block',
'#reviews' => $reviews['reviews'],
'#place_id' => $reviews['place_id'],
return $renderable;
return ['#markup' => t('GoogleReviewsBlock')];
public function build() {
$rating = $this->getGoogleData->getGoogleReviews([
if (!empty($rating)) {
$rating_percentage = ($rating['rating'] / 5) * 100;
$renderable = [
'#attached' => ['library' => ['googlereviews/googlereviews.rating']],
'#theme' => 'googlereviews_rating_block',
'#user_ratings_total' => $rating['user_ratings_total'],
'#rating' => $rating['rating'],
'#rating_percentage' => $rating_percentage,
'#place_id' => $rating['place_id'],
return $renderable;
return ['#markup' => t('GoogleRatingBlock')];
fox mulder → created an issue.
I tried to fix this error ✨ Migrate D7 Conditional Fields to D8 Needs review in Wim Leers patch ✨ Migrate D7 Conditional Fields to D8 Needs review
Exception thrown, when user logs in during checkout.
solves the main problem but i experience a new one when i put something in the cart as anonymous and log in in the first step of the checkout:
Type: commerce_order
Message: RuntimeException: Failed to start the session because headers have already been sent by ".../vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Response.php" at line 384. in Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\NativeSessionStorage->start() (line 152 of .../vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Session/Storage/NativeSessionStorage.php).
is there anybody else who experiences this?
core: 9.5.2
commerce core: 8.x-2.33
commerce_combine_carts: 8.x-1.0-rc2
used patch:
Exception thrown, when user logs in during checkout.
fox mulder → created an issue.