HTML from modal caption field doesn't render properly

Created on 6 September 2019, over 5 years ago
Updated 9 July 2024, 8 months ago

HTML tags in captions added via the modal caption field render with tags visible in the caption string. You must double-click and re-embed to get caption html to render properly.

Core: 8.7.7
Embed: 8.x-1.0
Entity Embed: 8.x-1.0+1-dev

Steps to recreate issue:

  • Add embed button for media with type image.
  • Add new media embed button to basic text format and enable filter for embedding entities.
  • Create a basic page and use the new media embed button to embed a media item of type image.
  • In the modal, type a caption with HTML.
  • In the wysiwyg, you will see the HTML tags in the caption string.
  • Saving the node, the tags still appear in the caption string.
  • Back on the node edit screen, if you double-click the embedded media entity and simply click "Embed" again, the HTML tags properly render.

πŸ› Bug report






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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States jonraedeke

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