Account created on 25 November 2005, over 18 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇷🇸Serbia pivica

@silvi.addweb, @Amandeep123, and to all similar actions people in the future, please do not just create MR without adding any additional value to this issue or related code.

Read carefully

Don't: Open a merge request without adding any code. Delay opening the request until you have created the code you want merged.

I will not give you issue credit just for creating MR from patch or doing anything else that does not add any value to this issue or any other issue in ddo projects I maintaine.

If you want to contribute great, but then do some actual contribution. If you are not sure how there is plenty of issues you can do actual work, just ask for help/guidance.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

Here is a first rough patch.

Tested for now with module.

This will need more work and testing but it seems it is working fine.

To use this you will need to override slider template with your custom template and properly define material slider html - this will probably be added into this patch later.

You also need to use latest Swiper 11.x version for this - tested for now with 11.1.1. version.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

Later consider supporting disabled custom color for header and footer regions.

Added a follow-up in Switch to CSS variables for header and footer Active .

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

Found out that even with fixes for type there were additional problem in CSS rules that are probably coming from core CSS aggregator - there URL was still wrong and it had additional `=` sign which produced two font URLS that needed to be fetched - one preloaded and one regular. So I decided to add a `v` as a key for query parameter for font icon cache bust which will now look like:

  - 'fonts/icons.woff2?v=2'

Anyway this makes more sense and it is fixing all problems that we can have with core when we are using query parameter without a key.

I've also updated relative documentations in and with more notes about this issue.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

Updated code example related to query cache bust parameter.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

Added note about font urls with cache bust query parameter.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

Go to your composer.json and change minumum-stability value from stable to dev, so instead

    "minimum-stability": "stable",

you need to have

    "minimum-stability": "dev",

This is needed because bs_base and bs_lib versions are still in beta release.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

Ah I see now your composer is also using bs_lib dev version which is wrong - maybe that is blocking your composer install. Make sure that you are installing bs_lib 8.x-1.0-beta4 version.

You could try -W option that composer is telling you and see will that help.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

Not sure but it seems you are trying to install older version of bs_base which requires D8 or D9. Make sure you are installing the latest version of bs_base which is beta6.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

Ah got it now, I've defined a type string on BsSliderConfiguration::id and in ResponsiveImageStyle there is no type declaration, cool.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

Found out that enabling nullably type for configuration `$id` is fixing this. Not sure why this fails in the first place, I've researched other duplicate configuration examples, for example for responsive image style, and duplication works there and ResponsiveImageStyle `$id` property is not declared as nullable?

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

pivica changed the visibility of the branch 3433173-trying-to-duplicate to active.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

pivica changed the visibility of the branch 3433173-trying-to-duplicate to hidden.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

Thx, looks good. Let's test this in real project. If there is no problems this will go into next release.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica


🇷🇸Serbia pivica

Title caps.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica


🇷🇸Serbia pivica

First version done.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

More updates.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica


🇷🇸Serbia pivica

Change submitConversion to convert method.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

Typo error fixes, a bit more nice formating.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

Relaveant PHP RFC proposal

I guess it is safe to commit this, should work on older versions of PHP without any problems.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

I just found out that there is `text-wrap: balance` CSS option which works great in improving text wrapping of element, including any icon it has.

It is still not supported in Safari but it is in TP for desktop version. Check more on

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

Here is a patch, styles are kept into the partials/_footer.scss so we do not need to write additional update code.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

Improving text a little bit.

🇷🇸Serbia pivica

Here is a first patch. Replaced `map-merge` calls that made sense with new a new `bs-map-merge` call. Also added couple of additional map helper functions that will get handy in the future.

Production build 0.69.0 2024