Account created on 5 February 2024, 9 months ago

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hi @cilefen, thanks for the response. I took a look at the article you posted and this looks to secure a particular user whereas I'm trying to disable the greyed out permissions page for role "Administrator". Unless I missed something, I didn't see anything regarding the permissions page.

Moving this to a separate Drupal Core issue: 💬 Disable root user permissions in Drupal 10 Active .

Hi @saschaeggi, thanks for the reply. Sorry in advance for my naivety.

I'm using the Config Pages module. It looks like it's not using the core message? The error message isn't using the Gin theme as expected according to the code.

I'm see that the error message displaying "The file could not be uploaded" (see attached image) is coming from web/core/modules/file/file.module. Not sure if it's something in there.

We are using a sub theme of Gin, could that possible be the reason why it's not working?

Sorr,y in advance, if this reopens this issue.

I am still experiencing the error status message not able to close/hide as intended. When uploading a unsupported image file extension, the Error status message appears with the Hide text un-clickable (see attached image).

We are using the Gin theme version 8.x-3.0-rc13 and confirmed the MR #3214515 has been applied to our theme.

Hi, any update on this MR?

I'm particularly interested in using this feature to restrict content visibility in the content admin based on a user's assigned workbench section. I would like users who are not assigned to a particular section to only see nodes that are tagged with that section. For example, Sara would only see nodes that are tagged with "Manufacturing" and Jane would only see "Sales" nodes.

Would this MR be able to fulfill this use case? If not, are there any additional steps or modifications required to achieve this functionality?

@marc.bau - Once you enabled the Workbench Access module, navigate to "admin/people/permissions/module/workbench_access" and see all the available permissions for the module. For the permission "Allow all members of this role to be assigned to Workbench Access sections", you need to select the user roles that you want to show up when configuring the Workbench Access access scheme.

What are the other roles that you have other than Administrator? Did you apply the permission that allows the different roles to be assigned to sections?

New permissions have been added/updated/removed. Updating the Workbench Access permissions as of Version: 2.0.2.

@cinglefield1 I am in the same boat as you. I played a bit with nodeaccess on Drupal 10 but some features are missing or not working properly compared to when it was in Drupal 7. Did you end up finding an alternative or continuing working with nodeaccess?

@glynster just to confirm, you used version 8 nodeaccess on your drupal 10 site?

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