Account created on 24 January 2024, about 1 year ago

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I'm also getting this issue after a fresh install of TOC on Drupal 10.3.1

We're also aiming to use this for a major project and would be interested in seeing this module having more regular fixes. I likely can help out a bit to submit some bug fixes once we get rolling.

If people are happy to help maintain this then we'd be happy to support that interest.

Sorry for being new here. Patch #15 works for us with the minor caveat that for Drupal 10.2.4 with PHP 8.1.27 I get the following two variables need to be typed, likely due to when this patch was originally made.

public string $value_value;
public ?array $valueOptions;

After applying the patch I can use actions and bulk assign domains via /admin/content

Just FYI, this patch worked for us on 10.2.4 using just the Domain module.

Hi all, any progress on this?
This is still an issue as of 10.1.6 I've tested the above patch and it fixes the issue for us.

Production build 0.71.5 2024