Account created on 8 January 2024, about 1 year ago

Merge Requests

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As suggested by others in this thread, I have created a new issue fork and added a new hook_update_N for adding the missing "iss_allowed_domains".

I have opened an issue fork for for this issue.

I suggest a few changes to the patch by #rakshith.thotada :

1. Place the try/catch block within the foreach loop, as I don't think we want to skip the whole update hook. By placing it inside the foreach loop, we make sure that the update hook still runs through all entries.

2. Instead of catching a generel exception, I suggest we only want to catch the "IntegrityConstraintViolationException".

Added patch that removes the oauth2 flows and add a single accessCode flow.

dressedk β†’ changed the visibility of the branch 3480050-openapi-v2-does to hidden.

No problem @HeikkiY. Was about to provide a patch myself, but I can see you already created a MR.

Thanks for a fast response. Do you have any estimate on when the MR would be merged and a new version available?

Hello #wengerk, I can see several places that you mention that the module is not longer necessary. I am curious to know why that is? Is there a better alternative?

Changed the patch name to follow patch naming conventions.

I have created a patch that is adding to the YamlExtractor.php and also updated the class comment description.

Production build 0.71.5 2024