Account created on 5 January 2024, about 1 year ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

Hi @SeaserWeb
I have created MR!1
Please review it once
Thank you

Hi @Berdir
I have created mr!46
Please review it once
Thank you

Hi @Ashutosh Ahirwal @zeeshan_khan @joseph.olstad
I have created MR!18
Please review it once
Thank You

Hi @hashkite @shwetaDevkate
I have created MR!53
please review it once
Thank you

Hi @vkechagias @geokon @skounis @skech @evankay
I have created MR!6
Please review it once
Thank you

hi @Harsh panchal
I have created MR!15
please review it once
Thank you

Hi @SeaserWeb, @Vishal Choudhary, @arti_parmar, @Ashutosh Ahirwal

I have created MR!34 for the above issue please review it once.

Thank you !!

I have created MR!3 for the above issue,

In this we updated "theme-settings.php", "openchurch_theme.settings.yml", "openchurch_theme.schema.yml", "openchurch_theme.libraries.yml"

Also we need to update some codes on the "openchurch_core" Module.


Apply inside of


this hook

 if ($icons_min_css = theme_get_setting('icons_min_css')) {
      $libraries['icons-min']['css']['component'] = [$icons_min_css => []];


Apply inside of {% if footer_twitter %} this condition.

<li class="list-inline-item"><a href="{{ footer_twitter }}"><i class="bi bi-twitter-x"></i></a></li>

HI @benabaird I have created MR2 please Check Thank you

Hi @Tri Tran I have created MR1 please check Thank you!

I have created MR for the above issue

Thank you

Hi @malcomio

I have created MR and patch for above issue

Please review it once

Thank you

Hi @AbdeI

I have created MR for the above issue

Please review it once.

Thank you !!

Hi @Ankit_Kumar @whitedevil

I have created MR For the Adding Hook help in this module

please review it once

Thank you

hi @codechefmarc

I have created MR ! 1 for resolve above issue

Please review it once.

Thank you.

Hi @jhuhta

I have created MR for the above issue

Please review it once.

Thank you !!

Production build 0.71.5 2024