Account created on 27 October 2023, over 1 year ago

Merge Requests


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🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Reviewed this and MR by @ tanushree-gupta works as expected moving it to RTBC+

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Code is working as expected. Issue is resolved. RTBC++
Before applying changes:

After applying changes:

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

All changes are working as expected. RTBC++

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Breadcrumb hover effect added.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Please review I had styled Wishlist page.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Full pager and mini pager styled for view block. I had also attached patch for immediate use.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

@petednz please share your steps to reproduce bug.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Both mini pager and full pager are designed.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

@ashutosh-ahirwal I had made fixes mentioned by you.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

kaaarrrtik changed the visibility of the branch 3423432-MenuFixes to hidden.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

kaaarrrtik changed the visibility of the branch 3423432-MenuFixes to active.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

kaaarrrtik changed the visibility of the branch 3423432-MenuFixes to hidden.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Mini Pager is designed and both pagers are aligned to centre.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

I tried to reproduce issue but issue seems to be resolved.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

@yogesh.k can I get credit for work done??

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Pager and Mini pager styled !!
Mini Pager

Full Pager

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Fixed for mobile responsiveness .

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Yes it is fixed in latest version. Great theme . Wonderful job !!!

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Issue is fixed in latest version RTBC+1

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Breadcrumb is styled


🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Form styling fixed working well for both mobile and desktop.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Changes are working as expected issue is resolved. Working great for both desktop and mobile view. RTBC+1

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Table styling issue resolved

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

kaaarrrtik changed the visibility of the branch 3058920-user-profile to active.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

kaaarrrtik changed the visibility of the branch 3058920-user-profile to hidden.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Both pager and mini pager are designed.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Pagination styled for pager and mini-pager

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

kaaarrrtik changed the visibility of the branch 3447773- to active.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

kaaarrrtik changed the visibility of the branch 3447773- to hidden.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Mini pager designed as using twig and working as expected.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

kaaarrrtik changed the visibility of the branch 3447852-mini-pager-need to active.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

kaaarrrtik changed the visibility of the branch 3447852-mini-pager-need to hidden.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

@anoopsingh92 got your point working the same by creating a seprate twig file

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Mini Pager styled


🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Unable to reproduce issue. No social media icons are coming up as such . Older twitter logo on font awesome uses class "fa-twitter" while the newer one is using fa-x-twitter

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

kaaarrrtik made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

kaaarrrtik made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Pagination fixed , also for mobile view

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

kaaarrrtik changed the visibility of the branch 1.0.x to hidden.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

kaaarrrtik changed the visibility of the branch 1.0.x to active.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

kaaarrrtik changed the visibility of the branch 1.0.x to hidden.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

@Shruu_rao you are correct 2 buttons are coming up on all three pages one is for submission and the other one is link to the the page . This issue is particularly created to style the page so I did only that. I believe a separate issue should be created to deal with this problem.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Admin Toolbar overlapping fixed for both desktop and responsive mode

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

kaaarrrtik changed the visibility of the branch 3447003-admin-header-is to active.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

kaaarrrtik changed the visibility of the branch 3447003-admin-header-is to hidden.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

kaaarrrtik changed the visibility of the branch 3442029-in-mobile-view to hidden.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

Code pushed by @alok_singh was working well but a bug was there with the code in responsive mode gap was not appropriate between the pagination buttons so I had fixed it now.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

kaaarrrtik made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India kaaarrrtik

User Login , Registrations Page, Forgot Password Page All three of them were un-styled . Now they are styled and working well for responsive design as well I had attached screenshot for the same below

Mobile After Styling

Desktop After styling

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