manishvijay02 → changed the visibility of the branch 3479023-d11_ready to hidden.
I have reviewed and tested MR !22, and it’s working fine. Also, @ajitdalal, if there is already an MR with work done, please review it first and make any necessary changes there.
Hiding the MR! 23
Hi, I have added the blockquote styling.
Attaching the screenshot for the reference.
manishvijay02 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I have added icon of fediverse and instead of using cdn directly in html , used it in a libraries.yml.
Moving to needs review.
@joseph.ostald I don't have the hook_form_system_theme_settings_alter function in my subtheme; it only exists in the bootstrap.theme file. However, when I comment out this line, the settings do not display correctly in the Bootstrap theme.
In Drupal 10, the settings were fully visible without needing to comment out the hook_form_system_theme_settings_alter line, and I didn't encounter any errors.
However, after upgrading to Drupal 11, I started receiving an error, as mentioned in
Automated Drupal 11 compatibility fixes for bootstrap
Needs review
. To resolve this, I removed the hook_form_system_theme_settings_alter line from the bootstrap.theme file, which eliminated the error. But, now the settings are not displaying properly.
Attaching the screenshots for the same.
@tirupati_singh The icons are added by using the fontawesome library. And the fediverse icon is currently not present in font awesome library, that's why fediverse icon is not visible.
I have tested the MR and the MR is working fine as per expectations. When the hide sidebar option is enable the sidebar is hiding and the content is taking full width.
Moving to RTBC+.
The search icon text overlapping issue resolved.
I have attached the screenshot for the reference.
manishvijay02 → changed the visibility of the branch 3465156- to hidden.
manishvijay02 → changed the visibility of the branch 1.0.x to hidden.
manishvijay02 → changed the visibility of the branch 3465156- to active.
manishvijay02 → changed the visibility of the branch 3465156- to hidden.
manishvijay02 → changed the visibility of the branch 3465156-Marvelous to hidden.
Hey @Ihridley,
I have added blockquote styling to .scss file as per suggestion.
I have reviewed the changes and it is working fine. The text is now properly aligned. Moving to RTBC++.
I have tested the MR and it is working fine. Now it is accepting the limit up to 256 characters.
Attaching the screenshots for the reference.
I have tested the MR. But in paragraph field, there is no need of "text align : center". The design may look good without "text align : center" property. Rest of the changes looks fine to me.
Hi @giordy,
I have also checked it. The line-height property is working fine. If the text is not wrapping after removing the < br > tag, you can use the text-wrap: wrap property. Doing this should solve your problem.
Hi @giordy,
Yes it is possible to do so. What you need to is :
1. Create a CSS file named homepage.css and add the necessary styles to it.
2. Link this file in libraries.yml with unique name
3. Then use the following hook in your .theme file to attach the CSS to the homepage:
* Implements hook_page_attachments_alter().
function your_theme_page_attachments_alter(array &$attachments) {
// Check if the current path is the homepage.
if (\Drupal::service('path.matcher')->isFrontPage()) {
// Attach the 'home-page' library to the page.
$attachments['#attached']['library'][] = 'your_theme/home-page';
Hope this helps.
Attaching the screenshot after changes.
@giordy Updated the MR as per your feedback.
Do you want me to remove this border-bottom?
Hi @giordy
I have created and reviewed the table, confirming the presence of the padding issue. The border-0 property is functioning correctly. The bottom border you are observing is due to custom CSS, not the border-0 property. The border-0 property is displaying no border.
Hii @giordy,
Can you please elaborate how to reproduce the issue?
Added Blockquote Styling.
Moving issue to RTBC as per the comment.
Hi KenyoOwen
Updated the file.
Added Blockquote CSS.
Hi @nisha_j
Please move the ticket to RTBC.
I have fixed the issue and raise the MR. Also attaching the screenshot for the issue resolved.
Manishvijay02 → created an issue.
I have tested the MR and it is working fine. When you are not adding any content to the slide , the empty slide is not visible after applying the MR. I have attached the screenshots for the same.
Hi @kenyoOwen,
I have updated the file as per your feedbacks.
Hello @jcnventura,
Removed the padding from ul.tabs as per suggestion. Link to commit
Hello, I have checked this MR and it is working fine. I have attached the proof for the same.
Hi, i have applied the MR !20 and verified that it is working fine. I have also attached the screenshots for the same.
Hello Maintainers,
The MR has been merged , it would be great if you also closed the issue here and provide the credits as well.
Thank you.
@riddhi.addweb I will create a new issue for it and work on it.
@Tanuja Bohra
The MR patch looks outdated as we have made a some commits. Please do not apply the MR patch, try to apply the MR diff or take pull from this branch directly and then test the code and styling.
Manishvijay02 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I have made changes in the CSS files accordingly and made the pagination responsive for all the devices. I have attached the screenshot for the refrence.
Made the pager responsive for Mobile devices also. I have attached the photo for your refrence.
Manishvijay02 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Now the Menu is been styled with proper spacing between them.
The screenshots have been attached for the refrence.
Manishvijay02 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Manishvijay02 → created an issue.
Manishvijay02 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Manishvijay02 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I have checked By creating fields in content types and i have observed all the things are working fine
Multiple fields - Working
Field Label Hidden or display - Working
Descrition field - Working
Taxonomy entity Refrence : Select list or autocomplete is working
We can change their settings in the Manage display and Manage form display.
I have checked By creating fields in content types and i have observed all the things are working fine
Multiple fields - Working
Field Label Hidden or display - Working
Descrition field - Working
Taxonomy entity Refrence : Select list or autocomplete is working
We can change their settings in the Manage display and Manage form display.
I have checked By creating fields in content types and i have observed all the things are working fine
Multiple fields - Working
Field Label Hidden or display - Working
Descrition field - Working
Taxonomy entity Refrence : Select list or autocomplete is working
We can change their settings in the Manage display and Manage form display.
Manishvijay02 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.