🇮🇳India @govind_giri_goswami

Account created on 21 September 2023, 9 months ago

Merge Requests


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🇮🇳India govind_giri_goswami

add hook help in .module file

🇮🇳India govind_giri_goswami

Remove the duplicate key for the contact region, which is defined twice. Additionally, ensure that missing quotes are added to the Footer Column Label in the info.yml file.

🇮🇳India govind_giri_goswami

govind_giri_goswami changed the visibility of the branch 3425634- to hidden.

🇮🇳India govind_giri_goswami

The modifications to the template_preprocess_table() function enable the setting of attributes for tr elements within the thead of the table. This is achieved by introducing a check for row_attributes within the loop that processes header cells. If row_attributes are present, they are assigned to the respective header cell. Additionally, the row_attributes are merged with existing cell_attributes to ensure preservation of both cell and row attributes.

🇮🇳India govind_giri_goswami

Resolved the above mentioned coding standard issues

Please review
Moving the issue to needs review.

🇮🇳India govind_giri_goswami

This has been resolved used the patch mentioned on #4
Attaching screenshot and moving the issue to RTBC

🇮🇳India govind_giri_goswami

Include the Classy package dependency and delete the line "# version: VERSION" from the classy.info.yml file.

🇮🇳India govind_giri_goswami

govind_giri_goswami made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India govind_giri_goswami

update comments in core/modules/locale/src/LocaleConfigManager.php file and core/modules/locale/src/LocaleDefaultConfigStorage.php file

🇮🇳India govind_giri_goswami

Yes, we can remove the Drupal\locale\Locale::config() method because in files such as core/modules/locale/locale.bulk.inc and core/modules/locale/tests/src/Functional/LocaleConfigTranslationImportTest.php, the function of the injected service is directly called instead of going through the config() function. Therefore, it's more efficient to directly utilize the injected service in these files.

🇮🇳India govind_giri_goswami

The code in the locale_config_batch_build() function by replacing manual iteration with array_chunk() to split the $names array into chunks of 20. This change was made in the locale.config.inc file.

🇮🇳India govind_giri_goswami

govind_giri_goswami changed the visibility of the branch array_chunk-3422974- to hidden.

🇮🇳India govind_giri_goswami

add an "Enable View" or "Disable View" option into the edit view dropdown menu

🇮🇳India govind_giri_goswami

In both the table.html.twig template and the template_preprocess_table() function, we enabled the addition of attributes to the

🇮🇳India govind_giri_goswami

changes in closeMessage() function, which adds a close button to a message container if one doesn't already exist, and hides the message when the close button is clicked

🇮🇳India govind_giri_goswami

the changes to the InlineBlock file involve adding a callback to trigger the processForm() method of the EntityFormDisplay class. This addition allows for post-processing of form elements after they are built, facilitating tasks like managing the positioning of extra fields.

🇮🇳India govind_giri_goswami

The modification adds autoload directories for the parent database driver modules (Drupal\mysql and Drupal\pgsql) using the PSR-4 autoload standard. These directories are specified relative to the Drupal core/modules directory. The remaining parts of the method, which handle the addition of classmap entries for other dependencies, remain unchanged

🇮🇳India govind_giri_goswami

The change introduces an else condition to create a new Route() object using the route information provided by display plugins, allowing for customization of route defaults, requirements, and options as needed.

🇮🇳India govind_giri_goswami

Each method (e.g., getAllViewModes(), getViewModes(), getAllFormModes(), getFormModes()) is now individually documented. Previously, their return documentation simply stated @return array, lacking clarity on the array's structure. The updated documentation provides additional details for clarity, enhancing developers' understanding.

Production build 0.69.0 2024