π Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\augmentor_openai_gpt3\Plugin\Augmentor\OpenAiGPT3Completions::$client is deprecated RTBC
changing status to the needs review.
@mglaman can you please review and give feedback accordingly or we can close it.
@dharmendra_saini Thanks for making it dynamic in release 2.0.1.
Also appreciate @Uttam for your contribution here .
@Uttam, it has been done by @dharmendra_saini. After reviewing it will merge his PR and release accordingly. Please stay tuned and verify at ur end as well.
@uttam , Please clean the code as some static code has been used there.
Yes i am working on it. Will update as it is done.
pkghang β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Closing it as it is nothing to done here.
Please review this PR and merge it for it
Hi @mglaman,
I did some R&D on this issue and came to the conclusion that php unit test config values were not the same as expected due to which we were facing issues.
I have fixed in below PR to nail it, Please reivew and merge it.
For the above issue, I have raised PR
"Drupal Commerce Demo" was not working on site.
Now I have fixed this issue using above PR and I'm able to launch the sandbox.
Please reivew and merge PR.
For the above issue, I have raised PR
"Drupal Commerce Demo" was not working on site.
Now I have fixed this issue using above PR and I'm able to launch the sandbox.
Please reivew and merge PR.
I have raised PR for the above issue,"
Drupal Commerce Demo" was not working on site. Now I have fixed this issue using above PR and I'm able to launch the sandbox.
Please reivew and merge PR.
I did the setup on my local and the context project is coming for me.
but on the site, it's not updated. So in this case: the site administrator has to update/import the latest project data from the Drupal project list.
As you can see below screenshot:-
I did the setup on my local and the openai project is coming fine for me.
but on the site, it's not updated.So in this case: the site administrator has to update the latest data from the Drupal project list.
issue has been fixed, please review and merge this PR :
PR have been rasied for issue, please review and merge :
Below are activities, I have performed to launch the sandbox:-
Firstly I have installed the simplytest profile on my local machine. Also, I have done an analysis of the module structure/workflow.
Then I got to know there are two dependencies:-
1. Github (any repertory )In the repository, I have added .tugboat/config.yml file and updated the required docker and Drupal configuration.
2. Tugboatqa: I have created an account on the tugboat and integrated the pipeline process with Git Hub. Also created a sandbox with Drupal latest version.
If we talk about the Drupal org issue. here we are using own repo. to make the sandbox for each version.repo: name is: base-umami
Solution to this issue:-
simplytest\modules\simplytest_ocd\src\Plugin\OneClickDemo\Umami.php need to be updated line no. 29 with below :
$commands[] = 'cd "${DOCROOT}" && php -d memory_limit=-1 ../vendor/bin/drush si demo_umami --db-url=mysql://tugboat:tugboat@mysql:3306/tugboat --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin -y';
in the Umami.php file.
pkghang β created an issue.