Account created on 19 May 2023, almost 2 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇳🇨New Caledonia satane

Merging pipeline made obvious we had to clean Test classes and even entirely delete Legacy ones, so there.

That said, there are still some unit testing errors which I can't figure out entirely.

There's still a call to a function isValid() which I removed as it was marked as deprecated.
See core/modules/file/src/Upload/FileUploadHandler.php:195

But now unit testing shows plenty of errors.
I'm stopping here for now, feel free to jump in.

🇳🇨New Caledonia satane

Cleanup all deprecated calls, except those in *Test.php files.

Not sure if classes related to "Tests legacy deprecated functions in file.module." should just be totally deleted or left there?

  • FileSaveUploadTest.php
  • FileUploadHandlerTest.php
  • LegacyFileModuleTest.php
  • LegacyFileThemeTest.php
  • LegacyValidateTest.php
  • LegacyValidatorTest.php
🇳🇨New Caledonia satane

Hi. Looked into this during Drupal South 2023 code sprint, but as previsouly commented we need more information.
Not sure in what context this happens, so I tried to reproduce within a module on 11.0-dev (in custom block configuration and build, as well as in configuration forms), but it always worked as expected (HTML tags stick when using #markup).

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