Account created on 16 May 2023, about 1 year ago

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🇨🇳China ONEXIN

As the saying goes: no news is good news.

Waiting for message.

🇨🇳China ONEXIN

@eojthebrave Thank you. I've used the new URL.

🇨🇳China ONEXIN

@apaderno @gisle Story Offer to administer the Hong Kong Cantonese translation group has been updated.
By the way, are there any plans to add Drupal Chinese traditional user guide?

🇨🇳China ONEXIN

@apaderno I am translating into a Chinese document and the problem I encountered is that the file name is different and not consistent with other pages. I hope to add files with the same name.

🇨🇳China ONEXIN

ms_MY [Malay (Latin,Malaysia)]

Reference: Android system language region code

🇨🇳China ONEXIN

@apaderno I updated the post on the board of Hong Kong Cantonese。ONEXIN has requested to take over the translation team. Add the original text as follows:

@gisle Thank you for your help.

🇨🇳China ONEXIN

@apaderno I have already posted this post. I voluntarily serve as an administrator. I’m volunteering my own time.

🇨🇳China ONEXIN



  1. 如果您是未批准建议的翻译团队的成员,请将帖子写给翻译小组的董事会和志愿者以帮助批准建议。
  2. 如果管理员没有回应,请写信给董事会,并自愿作为管理员提供帮助。将电子邮件发送给当前的管理员,指向该帖子。等待两个星期。
  3. 如果两周后没有答复,请在上写一个问题,并链接到您的翻译组中发布的请求。要求翻译小组的其他成员通过在问题中发表评论来支持您的请求。

注意:在此过程之后,将某人添加为管理员时,请记住向新管理员提供许可“ Translation Community Manager”,除了接受建议的权限外。需要让新管理员任命更多人根据需要批准建议。

此过程基于Taking over unsupported (abandoned) projects,并在 #1858786: We need a procedure for appointing new admins to abandoned translation groups 中进行了讨论。

🇨🇳China ONEXIN

Thank you for Apaderno's reminder. Unfortunately, I cannot see the contact information of other members of the Cantonese translation team and the current administrator. I can only post here and wait for a response from the community administrator.


🇨🇳China ONEXIN

欢迎你來到“香港粵語翻譯團隊”( Hong Kong Cantonese translation team ),更欢迎你嘅參與,共同努力改善Drupal嘅粵語支持。

“路雖遠,行則將至。 事雖難,做則必成。 ”

所有開源項目都始於像你這樣的人。 開源係一種信念,我哋可以共同把知識和技術奉獻畀全世界,從而幫助全人類。 你願意加入我們嗎?

🇨🇳China ONEXIN

"Hong Kong Cantonese" moderators are not active

It seems the Group/Team Admin is inactive, for which all the request/suggestions are still in "pending/waiting" mode.

If such inactive user stays as Admin, this translation effort is useless.

Hence I request higher authority to look after the issue and grunt me to translate Drupal core to Hong Kong Cantonese language.


🇨🇳China ONEXIN

ONEXIN created an issue.

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