Account created on 21 February 2023, about 2 years ago

Recent comments

Has this module been updated to use the new FedEx API that they implemented? If it is still using the old SOAP API then that is the problem. FedEx moved the old system to development containment, so it must be sending a default message now.

I can confirm having the same problem on our site. It appears that the correct weight is being sent, but fedex comes back with a quote for a much larger weight.

Having the same problem. Currently using Drupal 9.5.9 and Commerce 8.x-2.35. Able to recreate the issue on our dev server by using the back button after order completion. The order transitions from draft to complete two separate times.

Reviewed the patch and it looks good. I will get it merged as soon as I get the request. Thank you!

Reviewed the patch and it looks good. I will get it merged as soon as I get the request. Thank you!

Patch has been merged. Thanks to everyone for the patch and for reviewing it.

Production build 0.71.5 2024