🇮🇳India @Raveen Kumar

Account created on 4 January 2023, over 1 year ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

Raveen Thakur changed the visibility of the branch 3448642-switch-to-gitlab to hidden.

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

@bobi, you're calling the accessCheck() method without passing any arguments. By default, Drupal will perform access checking if you don't specify anything, so calling ->accessCheck() without arguments is equivalent to ->accessCheck(TRUE)

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

@Tanuja, core requirement is 8 and 9 of Drupal. And i believe you are applying on 10

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

@diksha, why you have reopened MR after closing??

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

Raveen Thakur made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

@Harlor, I have reviewed and tested your changes on fresh D10 install. And i want to confirm that changes have been implemented successfully. There was no error on installation of module after applying your changes.
Thank You!!
The mR can be imported. Marking ticket as tested.

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

Both code snipets ensure that $negotiation is not null before proceeding with further operations. However, the last commit code provides the additional step of performing the array_intersect_key() operation if $negotiation is not null.

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

The changes in the MR resolves the issue properly.
Can be merged !! Thank You!!

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

After applying the changes as per MR! the issue is been resolved.
The MR can be merged!! Thank You!!

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

@Revathi, yes there is an log for error. i am attaching screenshot of error - https://prnt.sc/O7UMNZEOq12d

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

@praveen_rani, I have applied the patch. The patch has been applied successfully. But error is still there on node creation.
Can you please confirm!!

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

Yes, website is getting down on create of new node. I am attaching error messgae screenshot:

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

@Folks, I have installed module using - composer require 'drupal/modal_menu_block:1.0.x-dev@dev'
I am using Drupal version - 10.2.4 & php version - 8.1
After enabling the module and visit path /admin/reports/updates, The module is not showing in the list.
i am attaching the screenshot for reference. https://prnt.sc/LiNkRLr04VyX

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

Hello Guys, I have implemented the changes as per MR! And configuration link was added successfully as you can see in the attached screenshot here: https://prnt.sc/5cYTgeFwOXJk

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

I have implemented the MR and on click of export button, things are working fine as you can see in my aatached screesnhot.

The changes can be imported as the rest functionality seems to be working fine.
Thank You!!

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

@lawxen, Thanks for explaining the issue, Yes i have fresh drupal installed and on click of export the website was throwing error. In fact website was going down.

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

@Revathi, did you configured the module properly? I think the issue is related to improper configuration of the module.

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

@Mohd, You are checking case only when it comes as string but, the error raised is for -
$libraries = $view_config['display_options']['display_extenders']['library_in_views_display_extender']['attach_library'];
if (is_string($libraries)) {

for second argument, If the error persists, (still i am not able to reprouce) The code won't goes upto your changes. It still shows error.
Could you please let me know more about error, how you reproduced it. I was keeping an eye on it from yesterday.
Can you address the error for me. Please & Thank You.

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

Can you please provide issue details?

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

Yes, Relying on entity queries to check access by default is deprecated in drupal:9.2.0 and an error will be thrown from drupal:10.0.0.
I have implemented the changes of MR! And it was just a quickfix.
Can be merged. And Thank You...

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

I am using Drupal 10 and php 8.1. I installed module using composer and enabled through drush
** AnimateCSS module was installed properly.
It has dependency AnimateCSS UI, which i have enabled seprately using drush.
Where is the issue??

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

PHPCS has green tick across board. Please review.

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

Raveen Thakur made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

Please provide steps to reproduce.

I have installed module from admin section, and it installed properly.

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

Yes, in recent drupal versions, Entity queries must explicitly set whether the query should be access checked or not.

Here is an example of an entity query with access checking disabled.
$query = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')
->condition('status', 1)
->accessCheck(FALSE) // Disable access checking

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

@btriest, yes getting an error while installing module using composer.

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

@Yes, accessCheck() to your query ensures that only data accessible to the current user based on their permissions is returned, enhancing the security.
** MR! has quickfix & can be merged.
Thank you

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

All the Phpcs error reported by Gitlab CI are fixed!!

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

@folks, yes after batch update i got the error message which you can see in the screenshot.
screenshot link: https://prnt.sc/Pqmtw24QsZ2R
after implementing the changes as per MR! by @chetan, the issue has fixed. Can be merged. Thank You
Marking this ticket as RTBC!!

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

Yes, it seems to be a typo/mistake in the code. The patch has a straightforward fix. Can be merged.
Marking this ticket as RTBC!!
Thank You

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

@sheetal, Yes, the error was there as you can see in the attached screenshot.
Screenshot Link: https://prnt.sc/wgvlxNwXvsoF
** I have reviewed and implemented changes as per patch. Looks fine now. Can be merged!!
Marking this TT as RTBC!!

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

Raveen Thakur made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

@tim, After saving the block, i am getting this warning only. https://prnt.sc/v0CUXYyKihjx
Not sure if it is relevant to error @stefan got. I am using Drupal 10.2 and my PHP version is 8.1

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

I have fixed the issues for src/form/eBookContentTypeForm.php file

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

Made some changes to the composer.json file as per DS. Please review.

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

Yes, this seems to be of no one purpose.

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

Raveen Thakur made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

@Yes, In Drupal 8 and later versions, the file_create_url() function has been replaced with the UrlHelper::fileUrl() method.
The MR changes looks fine. Can be merged. Thank You

🇮🇳India Raveen Kumar

Raveen Thakur changed the visibility of the branch 3421871- to hidden.

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