Account created on 10 June 2022, about 2 years ago

Recent comments

Updated to a simpler version:
Allows adding attributes to menu items such as:
- open a menu link in a new tab
- add a class for easy CSS targeting
- extend it by adding attributes to the

  • or in the yml config.

    Please review.

  • I can confirm that the logo on comment #3 matches the requirements.

    I applied the patch to a project I'm working on an dit worked. The error does not show up anymore.

    Tested the patch and it worked. I suggest another reviewer confirm since I'm still new.

    I reviewed the screenshot and the after image shows that the new Readme follows the Drupal best practices. My only suggestion would be to remove the space at the beginning of line 22 as the indentation is not needed. Please refer to the screenshot.

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