🇩🇪Germany @AgathaCrystal

Account created on 6 April 2022, almost 3 years ago

Recent comments

🇩🇪Germany AgathaCrystal Potsdam

@attheshow: Thank you very much. Even tho I couldn't apply the patch, I just checked the content and it basically just comment out all the relevant code around the more_actions. I did the same, removed the lines 136-191 and created a patch out of it. Works so far :)

🇩🇪Germany AgathaCrystal Potsdam

@attheshow: Would it be possible to share this patch? I'm having the same issue - especially my "save & edit" button is now hidden.

🇩🇪Germany AgathaCrystal Potsdam

I'm sorry - I forgot to update to Drupal 10.3 and composer installed the beta1. Its working! :))

🇩🇪Germany AgathaCrystal Potsdam

Thanks for your effort! I tried to install the update but it failed again on the UnmetDependenciesExpetion.php.

Configuration objects provided by ckeditor_media_resize have unmet dependencies: co
re.entity_view_display.media.image.cke_media_resize_large (field.field.media.image.field_media_image, media.type.image)

🇩🇪Germany AgathaCrystal Potsdam

I'm currently experiencing the exact same issue with almost the same setup. For me I load my view in TWIG like so and pass the arguments directly. The node ID be excluded:
{{ drupal_view('ubersicht_referenzen', 'simular_references', node.id, objectTypes|join(',')) }}

And in my view it looks like so:

Each filter is working by itself. They also work together if my content.id isn't excluded, but as soon as i set the filter to exclude, both filters are not working anymore. I'm currently running Drupal 10.2.3 with a PostgreSQL Database.

It seems this issue is not outdated and still exists.

🇩🇪Germany AgathaCrystal Potsdam

Thanks for the reply!

In the current installation with the problematic behaviour I have 14 content types.
I activated all those content types and only some showing items under /admin/structure/types/manage/***

I have compared the individual content types several times and there are no anomalies between the working and non-functioning content types.

Is there any way i can provide more information to identify the problem? It seems like some strange edgecase.

🇩🇪Germany AgathaCrystal Potsdam

Is this a known bug? I'd love to provide more information, if needed!

🇩🇪Germany AgathaCrystal Potsdam

Sorry for coming back so late - I settled for a different approach and forgot.

As in #4 & #5 described, I have custom media types and don't even had the media type 'image' in the first place. I think if Drupal is installed in the barebone version, the media type wont get created. My page is running now with D10 and also has the problem (ofc).

🇩🇪Germany AgathaCrystal Potsdam

First time creating a patch - I tested it on d10 and d9. But I couldn't figure out, how to properly test it.

🇩🇪Germany AgathaCrystal Potsdam

@ricovandevin: This works perfectly, thank you for the suggestion!

🇩🇪Germany AgathaCrystal Potsdam

@s_leu I'm also super interested in your approach. Are you planing to release it somewhere?

🇩🇪Germany AgathaCrystal Potsdam


so I tested the functionality and it seems like in combination with ctool this solution breaks.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Fresh Drupal installation (10.0.9, PHP 8.1.16, MariaDB) with Gutenberg & ctools (with ctools blocks and views activated) installed
  2. Add taxonomy to contenttype
  3. Create block view, add exposed filter for the taxonomy, set allowed block settings to "Configure filters"
  4. Activate the block view in the gutenbergexperience of a contenttype
  5. Create node with gutenberg, add the block view, setup the settings
  6. Settings dont effect the block, after saving the settings of the block wont open anymore and i get the following error:

TypeError: Drupal\Core\Form\FormState::setUserInput(): Argument #1 ($user_input) must be of type array, string given, called in /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/ctools/modules/ctools_views/src/Plugin/Display/Block.php on line 243 in Drupal\Core\Form\FormState->setUserInput() (line 996 of /var/www/html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Form/FormState.php).

🇩🇪Germany AgathaCrystal Potsdam

I tested patch #17 and /admin/reports/download-count results in an error with my postgres db:

The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
TypeError: Drupal\download_count\DownloadCountService::__construct(): Argument #7 ($database) must be of type Drupal\mysql\Driver\Database\mysql\Connection, Drupal\pgsql\Driver\Database\pgsql\Connection given, called in /var/www/html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php on line 259 in Drupal\download_count\DownloadCountService->__construct() (line 80 of modules/contrib/download_count/src/DownloadCountService.php).

🇩🇪Germany AgathaCrystal Potsdam

OK, no errors are left beside the one reported: Uncaught (in promise) undefined. (thanks for the tip regarding the permissions)

🇩🇪Germany AgathaCrystal Potsdam

Hi, here is a collage of my settings & the error:

If you have trouble reproducing the error, I could send you the link to the website as PM - even with login if this helps.

Thanks alot for your effort!

🇩🇪Germany AgathaCrystal Potsdam

No lightbox is showing up and Bigpipe is not installed.
Also one click on the image outputs the error twice.

🇩🇪Germany AgathaCrystal Potsdam

I currently have the same issue described by OP. I tried to implement the fix from #6 but it didnt work. I currently have splide version 4.1.2. installed but also the 4.0 version didnt work.

🇩🇪Germany AgathaCrystal Potsdam

Ok, haha yeah this was the problem. Now I can select the ajax link. Thanks!

This resulted in another problem tho: If I click on one of the images in the frontend I get the following error:

I already looked into this fix Uncaught (in promise) undefined 💬 Uncaught (in promise) undefined Fixed , but it didn't work for me (I'm at version 4.1.2). I'll gonna report into the issue for clarity.

Thanks for your help so far!

🇩🇪Germany AgathaCrystal Potsdam

Thanks for the fast reply!

So I created the link field as documented in the image, but still there is nothing showing up - am I missing something here?

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