drupalgreenhorn → created an issue.
Hi, cilefen
I deleted this table but "update status" was affected, we can't view the module list. After restore this file, update status works again. Not sure why it affect core module as apparently it was installed by Acquia tech support team.
drupalgreenhorn → created an issue.
Hello, All
we have been applying this patch to fix our problem
"Entity browser relies on Node module to determine whether to use the admin theme": "
https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2019-06-24/eb-display-show-admin-the... →
This patch works with drupal/entity_browser (2.9.0), but not working with drupal/entity_browser (2.10.0) . If we remove this patch for 2.10, same problem with show up. Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 3.11.36 PM.png is the screenshot for entity browser issue with admin interface.
Anyone has a working patch for 2.10?
Willids →
I worked on a couple of patches (with code change) but not with database modification patch.
Have you verify that table you worked on after applying this patch? I was recommended to use MySQL workbench to access my database hosted on Pantheon site.
And also, with my local docker container, for db update, I need to run "fin drush updb" with database update.
good luck and happy new year
Thank you so much for such detailed infor.
per this https://github.com/simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp/blob/master/docs/simplesa...
I found that in my drupal project, I do have a symlink under
and I modified it as
/web% ln -sf ../vendor/simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp/public simplesaml
which works!
Thank you again!
with my current drupal project, which using simplesamlphp as SP to connect shibboleth IDP server for years, I never need to config any symlink,
So how can I find if I used this syslink anywhere in my project? and where to local it?
Thank you
It turned out that this issue showed up after D10 upgrade is because of
Underscore library is deprecated in D10
https://www.drupal.org/node/3273118 →
I generated a patch for Entity browser 2.9 used in Drupal 10. It works with my project, hope it works for you too.
hi, any update? I am facing the same issue when applying patches after upgrade to Drupal 10
I have these in composer.json
"cweagans/composer-patches": "^1.7",
"extra": {
"enable-patching": true,
"patches": {
"drupal/<module>": {
" need to patch": "
https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/.....patch →
This issue still existed with 2.9, after we upgrade to D10.
I can't roll back to 2.6 as we upgraded to D10. 2.6 is not compatible with D10.
I applied the patch, but "underscore-is-undefined error":" https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-02-22/underscore-is-undefined-3 → ..." didn't fix this issue.
Any help there?
Thank you
I installed the patch in drupal 9, and the upgrade status showed that drupal/simplesamlphp_custom_attributes is D10 compatible. However, I have to uninstall it during recent D10 upgrade. Patch doesn't seems to be working.
this js issue has been fixed by a patch developed by another developer
entity_browser 2.9 has JS issue with general user
Alok, Thank you, your patch helped me resolved this issue
so these are all 4 patches I added for
Drupal core 9.5.3
Entity Browser 8.x-2.9
all these patches are needed, either for admin user or general user role
"drupal/entity_browser": {
"Entity browser relies on Node module to determine whether to use the admin theme": "
https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2019-06-24/eb-display-show-admin-the... →
"Avoid Duplicate references": "
https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2021-03-10/entity_browser-avoid_dupl... →
"js option undefined":"
https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2022-07-20/Javascript-error-option-u... →
"underscore-is-undefined error":"
https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-02-22/underscore-is-undefined-3... →
Krishna Mishra
Thank you so much, Your patch works
Appreciate so much for your help
Hi, I attached a screenshot, which showed:
after general user select the product, the entity browser went to blank, and the javacsript error in developer tool
I tested the patch 4, it didn't fix the issue
so at this moment, with
Drupal core 9.5.3
we still have same issue with
entity_browser 8.x-2.9 (security update)
we still have to use entity_browser 8.x-2.6 so general user can create a new app with Entity Browser
Did you upgraded to Drupal core 9.5.3 and entity_browser 8.x-2.9 successfully?
Thank you
I tested the patch you referred, it didn't fix the issue
so at this moment, with
Drupal core 9.5.3
we still have same issue with
entity_browser 8.x-2.9 (security update)
we still have to use entity_browser 8.x-2.6 so general user can create a new app with Entity Browser
Did you upgraded to Drupal core 9.5.3 and entity_browser 8.x-2.9 sucessfully?
Thank you
I am not sure how to reproduce this bug, but I will make a video next week and will load it here.
Thank you