I tested the patch you referred, it didn't fix the issue
so at this moment, with
Drupal core 9.5.3
we still have same issue with
entity_browser 8.x-2.9 (security update)we still have to use entity_browser 8.x-2.6 so general user can create a new app with Entity Browser
Did you upgraded to Drupal core 9.5.3 and entity_browser 8.x-2.9 sucessfully?
Thank you
Hi, I attached a screenshot, which showed:
after general user select the product, the entity browser went to blank, and the javacsript error in developer toolUnderscore was undefined in the entity browser's "common" library.
Added missing underscore core/dependency in the entity browser "common" library in the patch for V. 8.x-2.8 .Alok, Thank you, your patch helped me resolved this issue
so these are all 4 patches I added for
Drupal core 9.5.3
Entity Browser 8.x-2.9
all these patches are needed, either for admin user or general user role"drupal/entity_browser": {
"Entity browser relies on Node module to determine whether to use the admin theme": " → ",
"Avoid Duplicate references": " → ",
"js option undefined":" → ",
"underscore-is-undefined error":" → "
This issue still existed with 2.9, after we upgrade to D10.
I can't roll back to 2.6 as we upgraded to D10. 2.6 is not compatible with D10.
I applied the patch, but "underscore-is-undefined error":" → ..." didn't fix this issue.
Any help there?
Thank you
- last update
over 1 year ago 56 pass - last update
over 1 year ago 45 fail It turned out that this issue showed up after D10 upgrade is because of
Underscore library is deprecated in D10 →I generated a patch for Entity browser 2.9 used in Drupal 10. It works with my project, hope it works for you too.