Account created on 1 March 2021, over 3 years ago

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🇮🇹Italy drp_distruptor Neaples

Applying the patch of this link 🐛 Empty layout sections get rendered Needs work for Bootstrap Layout Builder seems not to work.

Again, all the patches attached to this issue are not applied on my Drupal 9.5.10 instance; so I found a workaround for blb-container-wrapper.html.twig template:

{% if children|render|raw|striptags|spaceless is not empty %}
    <div {{ attributes }}>{{ children }}</div>
{% endif %}
🇮🇹Italy drp_distruptor Neaples

Yes, I confirm that what @yospyn said is correct. I personally applied the patch reported in the #4 🐛 Live Preview has issues with Media Background Fixed comment.

🇮🇹Italy drp_distruptor Neaples

The issue depends on media_library_form_element , you can try this patch: 🐛 Deprecated function: explode(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($string) of type string is deprecated Fixed

🇮🇹Italy drp_distruptor Neaples

Same issue that seems to be related to Bootstrap Styles ^1.1 ;
this patch can help!

🇮🇹Italy drp_distruptor Neaples

With the new version 4.3.3, the issue seems solved by removing the prefix from the settings.local.php

$databases['default']['default'] = [
    'database' => '###',
    'username' => '###',
    'password' => '###',
    <strong>'prefix' => '',</strong>
    'encrypt' => '0',
    'host' => '###',
    'port' => '1433',
    'namespace' => 'Drupal\\sqlsrv\\Driver\\Database\\sqlsrv',
    'driver' => 'sqlsrv',
    'autoload' => 'modules/contrib/sqlsrv/src/Driver/Database/sqlsrv',

By the way, you should be sure that the default schema is dbo on your user and database.

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