Created a little patch to fix this issue
s_castro → created an issue.
s_castro → created an issue.
Thanks for your help. It seems to be an issue with the reCaptcha module. Disabling the cacheable feature in a hook_form_alter
worked for me.
Thanks for the quick response.
I tested it again following your recommendation. I already had the "cacheable" checkbox disabled, but it worked when I changed the fallback challenge from reCAPTCHA to Math. For some reason adding reCAPTCHA as the fallback challenge makes the function recaptcha_v3_validate
execute multiple times, while the Math executes the function just once (the first time an Ajax element is triggered).
Do you know with this is only a problem with reCAPTCHA as fallback challenge?
In both cases, the validation function is executed the first time an Ajax element is triggered instead of being called on the form submit. I am not sure if this is the expected behavior.
I made a patch that works for me.
s_castro → created an issue.
I also thought it could be nice if we have bulk actions to check/uncheck this field directly from the "People" view.
This is exactly the feature I was looking for. Thank you Kosa Ilma for the patch.
Unfortunately, the patch did not work for my site (I'm using Password Policy 4.0.0 and Drupal 10.0.4) because the function drupal_get_path()
was removed from D10. I change the function for the corresponding service to be compatible with D10.
Answering your questions with my opinion:
Should we delete subscriptions for users that get blocked or deleted?
The subscriptions should be deactivated when the user gets blocked (and reactivated again if the account is reactivated). When the user gets deleted the subscriptions should be deleted as well.
Should we delete notifications for users that get blocked or deleted? Or should we at least mark them as delivered?
I think marking them as delivered is okay as long as the subscriptions are blocked or removed and new notifications are not created.
This is the patch implementing the proposed solution. It worked for me.
s_castro → created an issue.