πŸ‡«πŸ‡·France @Thony

Account created on 24 May 2020, about 4 years ago

Recent comments

πŸ‡«πŸ‡·France Thony

Thanks, the use at the beginning of the file also needed updating, here is the patch that include that also...

πŸ‡«πŸ‡·France Thony

Had reproduced the issue on my own project, I can confirm the patch fixed it, thanks

πŸ‡«πŸ‡·France Thony

Yes I guessed so ... but did not think to save enough information when I was investigating...
What I can tell you is that I come from a project in D 8.9 upgraded to 9.5, and that the error triggered at guzzle level trying to GET the empty url from oembed_providers_url (after a call to Drupal\media\OEmbed\UrlResolver line 133:

    foreach ($this->providers->getAll() as $provider_info) {

If this is not reproducible from a vanilla 8.9 I guess this is specific to my project and the ticket can be closed...
Thanks anyway !

πŸ‡«πŸ‡·France Thony

Hello everyone and thanks for the module, I am bit confused on how to make this update work, right now composer has all this versions available :
found drupal/domain_simple_sitemap[dev-8.x-1.x, dev-8.x-2.x, dev-3251227-make-compatible-with, dev-3251227-simple_sitemap-4x-compatibility-combined-with-D10, dev-3251227-simple_sitemap-4x-compatibility, dev-3251227-make-compatible-40, dev-3296977-automated-drupal-10-with-3251227, 2.0-RC1-3251227, 2.0-RC2-3251227, 2.0-RC3-3251227, 2.0-RC4-3251227]

I have tried 2.0-RC4-3251227 with simple_sitemap 416 but when I try Bulk creating sitemap variants for domain I get :
TypeError: Drupal\simple_sitemap\Entity\SimpleSitemap::getType(): Return value must be of type Drupal\simple_sitemap\Entity\SimpleSitemapTypeInterface, null returned in Drupal\simple_sitemap\Entity\SimpleSitemap->getType() (line 131 of /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/simple_sitemap/src/Entity/SimpleSitemap.php).

Am I using the right branch ? Should I apply I patch on top of it (none seem to apply on 2.0-RC4-3251227...)? I am a bit confused...

πŸ‡«πŸ‡·France Thony

I am triggering the error too,but the project I am working on still use php 7.1.
I guess interface were not as flexible back then...?

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