🇫🇷France @Thony

Account created on 24 May 2020, over 4 years ago

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🇫🇷France Thony

I am stuck on this right now, with an http json source :
drush ms
-------------- -------- ------- ---------- ------------- ---------------------
Migration ID Status Total Imported Unprocessed Last Imported
-------------- -------- ------- ---------- ------------- ---------------------
reseaux Idle 155 0 155 2024-08-13 17:47:55
-------------- -------- ------- ---------- ------------- ---------------------
drush mim reseaux
155/155 [▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓] 100%
[notice] Processed 1 item (0 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) in 0.5 seconds (0/min) - done with 'reseaux'

The migrate devel module does not give any more hint, I am sure I am made a basic idiotic mistake in my yml... But it's hard finding wich..
Not that I want to complain though, thanks for the great work !

🇫🇷France Thony

Thanks, the use at the beginning of the file also needed updating, here is the patch that include that also...

🇫🇷France Thony

Had reproduced the issue on my own project, I can confirm the patch fixed it, thanks

🇫🇷France Thony

Yes I guessed so ... but did not think to save enough information when I was investigating...
What I can tell you is that I come from a project in D 8.9 upgraded to 9.5, and that the error triggered at guzzle level trying to GET the empty url from oembed_providers_url (after a call to Drupal\media\OEmbed\UrlResolver line 133:

    foreach ($this->providers->getAll() as $provider_info) {

If this is not reproducible from a vanilla 8.9 I guess this is specific to my project and the ticket can be closed...
Thanks anyway !

🇫🇷France Thony

Hello everyone and thanks for the module, I am bit confused on how to make this update work, right now composer has all this versions available :
found drupal/domain_simple_sitemap[dev-8.x-1.x, dev-8.x-2.x, dev-3251227-make-compatible-with, dev-3251227-simple_sitemap-4x-compatibility-combined-with-D10, dev-3251227-simple_sitemap-4x-compatibility, dev-3251227-make-compatible-40, dev-3296977-automated-drupal-10-with-3251227, 2.0-RC1-3251227, 2.0-RC2-3251227, 2.0-RC3-3251227, 2.0-RC4-3251227]

I have tried 2.0-RC4-3251227 with simple_sitemap 416 but when I try Bulk creating sitemap variants for domain I get :
TypeError: Drupal\simple_sitemap\Entity\SimpleSitemap::getType(): Return value must be of type Drupal\simple_sitemap\Entity\SimpleSitemapTypeInterface, null returned in Drupal\simple_sitemap\Entity\SimpleSitemap->getType() (line 131 of /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/simple_sitemap/src/Entity/SimpleSitemap.php).

Am I using the right branch ? Should I apply I patch on top of it (none seem to apply on 2.0-RC4-3251227...)? I am a bit confused...

🇫🇷France Thony

I am triggering the error too,but the project I am working on still use php 7.1.
I guess interface were not as flexible back then...?

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