- Issue created by @Thony
Some configurations change have no effect, like enabling multi-language support.
2 main reason for that, hardcoded config name 'openid_connect.settings.keycloak' in KeycloakService.php and KeycloakController.php
also the check for the setting being enabled wich should check for 'status' instead of 'enabled'
Install the module, try to set up multi-language support, see kc_local not being set in the keycloak login url
The patch attached fixed it for my project, it will work only with a openID Connect client named "keycloak" , this is because now we can have multiple keycloak configuration instances, as seen in this issue https://www.drupal.org/project/keycloak/issues/3390391 📌 Add keycloak support for multple instances from openid_connect 3.x Needs review (that should be fixes first to have a clean definitive patch)
- fix above issue
- remake a patch that fix remaining problems