Account created on 17 April 2019, about 5 years ago
  • Developer at Unic 

Merge Requests

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InaW changed the visibility of the branch 85494-use-email-verification to active.

The error occurs where the debug button is rendered:

        $context['graphql_debug'] = [
          '#markup' => sprintf(
            '<div class="graphql-twig-debug-child"><div class="%s" data-graphql-query="%s" data-graphql-variables="%s" data-graphql-server="%s"></div></div>',

Since the method getGraphQlServer() does not exist in graphql_twig 3.x (but in graphql_twig 4.x does) I reverted the changes and implemented it like it was in 3.0.0-beta1 and set the from url fix to /graphql/explorer

 $form = $('<form method="post" target="_blank"></form>').attr('action', Drupal.url('graphql/explorer')).appendTo(this),

Re-rolled the patch from #21 for webform 6.2.x

@florianmuellerCH yes I did some testing, and the Patch works well for me so far. I can update the content of the paragraphs in the translated node and save them afterward without any issues.

I'm using for testing Layout Paragraphs 2.0.3 with Paragraphs 1.16.0 and Drupal Core 10.1.6

I had a look at the paragraphs widget implementation and they solved this issue like this:

  public function form(FieldItemListInterface $items, array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $get_delta = NULL) {
    $elements = parent::form($items, $form, $form_state, $get_delta);
    // Signal to content_translation that this field should be treated as
    // multilingual and not be hidden, see
    // \Drupal\content_translation\ContentTranslationHandler::entityFormSharedElements().
    $elements['#multilingual'] = TRUE;
    return $elements;

I have adopted the solution to Layout Paragraphs and created a Merge Request MR!145.
This solves the problem for me and the widget is now displayed in the Translation when I have "Hide non translatable fields on translation forms" enabled.

I'm facing the same problem. Since we are using the content moderation workflow, I need to activate the Hide non translatable fields option. Any ideas on how we can solve this issue?

Any Updates on this issue? I also still see the action button twice with the Patch #6

The issue seems to be that function dumpCmd($tableSelection): ?string { in is nullable in GdprSqlMysql.php but not in Drush\Sql\SqlMysql

I created a merge request to remove the nullable option:

I tested it again today with a new Drupal 9.5.x setup and I still get the same error. I suspect that the error comes from the fact that the delete translation submit handler first calls entityFormSubmit before calling entityFormDeleteTranslation. In the entityFormSubmit it tries to save the current state of the node, since no new moderation state was set, the error gets thrown.

I tested today the branch 3297416-automated-drupal-10 with Drupal 10.0.3 and it seems to work fine. The. webp files were created successfully.

ls -li default/files/styles/wide/public/2023-02/
total 108
213619209 -rw-rw-r-- 1 www-data www-data 70156 Feb  9 15:26 image_hero.jpeg
213619211 -rw-rw-r-- 1 www-data www-data 36394 Feb  9 15:26 image_hero.jpeg.webp

I moved the update_hook to a post_update_hook like @hchonov did for the patch #15 Global webform submissions purge settings Needs review for 6.1.x since this does not cause collisions with the update numbers of hook_update_N()

I tested the patch #7 🐛 Add Drush 11 compatibility Fixed with Drush version 11.3.2 and Drupal 9.4.7 and the patch seems to work fine. I was able to create a db dump with drush gdpr:sql:dump successfully.

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