Widget is hidden if untranslatable fields are hidden

Created on 27 October 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 5 May 2024, 10 months ago


If you "Hide non translatable fields" from a node form, you want to hide all fields that are not translatable and have effects on all languages (e.g. "Tags" or a dropdown, etc.).

The original / classic paragraphs widget remains visible in this case, but you cannot move, add or remove paragraphs (because the paragraphs field itself is not translatable by design). You still can translate all the translatable fields on paragraphs themselves.

The layout_paragraphs widget on the other hand is hidden completely on node forms in this case.
Only if I set "Hide non translatable fields" to false, the widget shows correctly in translation mode, and it also correctly states that

You are in translation mode. You cannot add or remove items while translating. Reordering items will affect all languages.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a node CT, make it translatable
  2. Add paragraph field, make it NON translatable
  3. Configure form display to use layout paragraphs widget
  4. Go to "Configuration" > "Region and language" > "Content language and translation" and enable "Hide non translatable fields on translation forms" on the CT.
  5. Create node in one language
  6. translate to another language -> the layout_paragraphs widget is missing
  7. Go to "Configuration" > "Region and language" > "Content language and translation" and disable "Hide non translatable fields on translation forms" on the CT.
  8. The layout_paragraphs widget is shown with the correct hint

Proposed resolution

Ensure the widget is shown in the same "translation - cannot move but can translate paragraph's fields" mode, the same way as the paragraphs widget works.

Remaining tasks


User interface changes

Described above.

API changes


Data model changes


πŸ› Bug report






Created by

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­Switzerland florianmuellerch Aarau, Switzerland

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