Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱
Account created on 31 January 2019, over 5 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱
🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱
🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

alorenc changed the visibility of the branch 3424466-convert-rdfsyncconnection-to to hidden.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

correct, the link element describes URL property as \Drupal\Core\Url but at the same time it checks if it is URL

I do not see any reason why we can not do the same, it will be simply more resistant to mistakes.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

Updated #11 patch,
* checked if url implements Drupal\Core\Url,
* added a simple test,

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

Improved coding standards of PollViewForm.php without any drustic changes. Created a follow up https://www.drupal.org/project/poll/issues/3405533 📌 Impove code standards Active for improving other files.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

alorenc created an issue.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

A few of them has been fixed during https://www.drupal.org/project/poll/issues/3405509 🐛 User can stuck on View results Active

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

alorenc created an issue.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

Updated logic for back button
Improved coding standards discovered on https://www.drupal.org/pift-ci-job/2817055

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

alorenc created an issue.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

Rolled patch with the latest updates from merge request

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

Fixed issue with "webform_checkboxes_other" and the failing tests.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

alorenc made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

Hi @borisson_

I am happy to talk about improvements

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

Performed manual tests. I have not found any issues on d10.

Created a new release https://www.drupal.org/project/external/releases/8.x-1.0-alpha4

In long term it will be good to create tests, rewrite js code (not use jQuery).

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

I do not mind but i expected to see an issue under the project

Created https://www.drupal.org/project/external/issues/3396270 📌 Drupal 10 compatible Fixed

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

alorenc created an issue.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

I had the same case, added some comments to patch.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

It works but schema from module describes not existing data.
Module saves these settings as storage, in field.storage.*, not in field.field.* yaml files

We could ask if these settings should be stored in field.storage.* but this is separate history.

field.storage_settings.language_field is type defended in

I could be wrong but I checked this this in "config-inspector" module.
It is very likely more formattes/widgets require interventions too.
Please feel free to make changes in MR

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

alorenc created an issue.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

Sorry, it is closed so I am going to create a new issue

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

Test fails due to:
Deprecated: unserialize(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($data) of type string is deprecated in /app/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/Sql/SqlContentEntityStorage.php on line 1269

It is related to https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3300404 📌 Unserialize(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($data) of type string is deprecated in Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlContentEntityStorage::loadFromSharedTables() Needs work , it is expected that value is not NULL.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

Thanks, I am able to alter requirements when the update script looks.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

alorenc made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

I have a paragraph with a reference to poll entity ( https://www.drupal.org/project/poll ). Entity is rendered as a form and I noticed some issues during saving node, poll validation is triggered what is not expected.
I used tip #2 - used preview mode for poll paragraph in order to hide form during editing node.


🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

Added "edit any pools" permission

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

alorenc made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

I used form alter to copy ajax settings to choice field.

function hook_form_alte(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, string $form_id): void {
if (str_contains($form_id, 'poll_view_form') && isset($form['actions']['vote'])) {
$form['choice']['#ajax'] = $form['actions']['vote']['#ajax'];
$form['choice']['#ajax']['trigger_as'] = ['name' => 'vote'];

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

Updated drupal-2061377-437.patch, added fixes for the following issues:

------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Line core/modules/image/image.module
------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
561 Function file_url_transform_relative not found.
💡 Learn more at https://phpstan.org/user-guide/discovering-symbols
------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------

------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Line core/modules/image/tests/src/Kernel/EditorImageStyleDialogTest.php
------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
102 Function file_save_data not found.
💡 Learn more at https://phpstan.org/user-guide/discovering-symbols
106 Function file_url_transform_relative not found.
💡 Learn more at https://phpstan.org/user-guide/discovering-symbols
------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

Thanks for updates! it looks fine to me.
I will leave the ticket as "Needs review" so maintainer can review that too.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

Added a few suggestions to MR 4

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

Rolled patch 17, updated VotingApiWidgetBase.php

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

Rolled patch against 8.x-1.0-alpha6

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

alorenc made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

I have roll out patch !14 as MR request. I have added some small updates (spacing, type hinting)

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

I had exactly the same issue, thanks for patch.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

We are creating entities programmatically and we hit "When there are two different legal document versions created at the same second." case.
Maybe better replace that to "return $entity->bundle() . '_' . microtime(TRUE);"? Still far from perfection but slightly less likely we will get a fatal error.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

alorenc made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

@pobster Thanks for feedback. I am not sure when i will be able to go back to this but please feel free to add additional changes to MR

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

Thank you

🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱

alorenc made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

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