+ for GitLab CI. Could this be merged? It would be highly beneficial for addressing future tickets.
I have exported configuration before applying the patch, otherwise it is fine.
I got the following errors
'views.view.calendar:display.by_month.display_options.pager.options.display_reset' => 'variable type is integer but applied schema class is Drupal\Core\TypedData\Plugin\DataType\BooleanData'
'views.view.calendar:display.by_month.display_options.pager.options.use_previous_next' => 'variable type is integer but applied schema class is Drupal\Core\TypedData\Plugin\DataType\BooleanData'
'views.view.calendar:display.by_week.display_options.pager.options.display_reset' => 'variable type is integer but applied schema class is Drupal\Core\TypedData\Plugin\DataType\BooleanData'
'views.view.calendar:display.by_week.display_options.pager.options.use_previous_next' => 'variable type is integer but applied schema class is Drupal\Core\TypedData\Plugin\DataType\BooleanData'
Rolled 2765065-10.3.x-154.diff to Drupal 10.4.x
Looks ok on my side, triggered
composer require 'drupal/field_group:^4.0@alpha'
and next
composer require 'drupal/field_group_nav:^1.0'
I performed some manual test based on 4.0.0-alpha1 module, looks ok.
Made changes to gitlab-ci.yml file and created https://www.drupal.org/project/field_group_nav/releases/1.0.2 →
It has been changed during https://www.drupal.org/project/field_group_nav/issues/3473277 📌 Provide tests Active
I do not see the issue.
Here are the steps I followed:
* I created a thread and was redirected to private-messages/7.
* I deleted thread 7 and was redirected to private-messages.
* When I visited private-messages/7, the system displayed a 404 error, which is correct because the thread had been removed.
To start a new discussion, I need to visit /private-message/create and select a member. I can also choose a user to an earlier delete thread.
I think we can close this ticket. @drupalfan2 Are you ok with it?
The patch works correctly for me.
I tested inside the private_message module, see #3331865. The message editor receives focus, and the interface automatically scrolls down to this element.
The patch from #3494327 functions correctly for me.
When I click on a thread within the inbox block, the message editor receives focus, and the interface automatically scrolls down to this element.
patch #6 removes array_splice so the idea is similar to https://www.drupal.org/project/private_message/issues/3492289 🐛 Wrong usage of array_splice Active
Please see #3492289 as it could be related
Hi zenimagine,
I think you can try to update the configuration: visit /admin/structure/private-message/private-message-thread/form-display as admin and hide the "Subject" field from view.
Looks good, thanks
Looks good, Thanks!
Thank you for your help!
I worked on #3490456, and I have a feeling that maybe we can remove the 'triggerCommands' function. It depends on how extensive a refactoring we want to undertake.
My suggestion is to put this on hold. Yes, I asked for that, and I apologize for changing the approach.
Let's wait for some time, but your work definitely deserves recognition and credit!
Looks good, moving to RTBC.
Your error is handled by https://www.drupal.org/project/file_url/issues/3490692 🐛 PHP error FileUrlGenerator Active , see https://git.drupalcode.org/project/file_url/-/merge_requests/8#note_419768
I am fine to close this
Fix was provided in #3489205, please see https://git.drupalcode.org/project/private_message/-/merge_requests/153/...
We are in the process of refactoring this widget, dropping JS code and replacing it with standard Drupal functionality. Please see #3487692 for further details.
Tests were falling due to #3488863
Yes, I think we need to provide a test for this issue.
I am not aware of any other issues so I am fine with creating a new release
Can I get credit for that?
What I understand is that there should not be any differences between 4.x-dev and 3.0.x yet.
It is a duplicate of #3488863, it happens on 3.0.x too