🇮🇳India @supriya1992

Account created on 3 January 2018, almost 7 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India supriya1992

This patch is working absolutely fine. I tested it by following the steps.

  1. Created a field-type email in a content type.
  2. Changed the email field display format to Obfuscate and add the link label in configuration.
  3. Add content in this field.
  4. Before applying the patch, the email will display in the node content.
  5. After applying the patch, the email is replaced with the provided link label.

Attaching the screenshots.

🇮🇳India supriya1992

Hello EthanT,
Could you add the step to reproduce the issue? I was looking into this but couldn't able to reproduce it.

🇮🇳India supriya1992

Hello smustgrave ,
I understand your suggestion to create the test case for the patch. Could you suggest where can be written the test case for this?

🇮🇳India supriya1992

The patch was failing. Created a new patch.

🇮🇳India supriya1992

#16 is working fine with regular expression without any error/warning.
I attached the screenshot of the configuration and before/after applying patches.
The "Paths to be excluded while generating segments" value should be a valid regex and shouldn't start and end with "/". "/" is already implemented in the code.

🇮🇳India supriya1992

Step to reproduce

  • Create a custom form.
  • Add a field of type radios/checkbox/tableselct.
  • Make the option to be NULL.
  • I also attached the screenshot of the PHP error.
  • This can also be reproduced if we use a blank taxonomy term as an exposed filter in view.
$form['testempty'] = [
    '#type' => 'tableselect',
    '#options' => NULL,
    '#empty' => $this->t('No Data'),


  • Create a custom form same as above and apply the patch.
  • After applying the patch, the form will display blank data. It will not throw a PHP error and the page will not blank with "Website encounter error."
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