🇷🇺Russia @pick_d

Account created on 24 March 2017, almost 8 years ago

Recent comments

🇷🇺Russia pick_d

Had the same issue with 10.3.0 Drupal core release.
However, the patch from #10 fixed it for me. Thanks.

🇷🇺Russia pick_d


Can't reproduce it now. Maybe it's related to advagg somehow (which I uninstalled as it has issues upon upgrade, while in the same time D10.1 bundles and minifies css and js surprisingly well now). So no info to file a bug.

Anyhow, thanks for your time.

🇷🇺Russia pick_d

Thanks a lot.

Latest -dev version works with D10.1.1 for me.

The only issue I noticed so far is the following warning that sometimes pop up during 'drush updb' or 'drush cr':

 [notice] The file assets://css was not deleted because it does not exist.
 [notice] The file assets://js was not deleted because it does not exist.

(I use 'bootstrap CDN' option in theme settings, but custom links point to files stored locally, if that is relevant)

🇷🇺Russia pick_d

New -dev release works well for me. Thanks.

🇷🇺Russia pick_d

^ update

Rechecked patch from #33 and mentioned at #48 with Drupal 10.1. Definitely works.

🇷🇺Russia pick_d


I applied this patch to -dev version earlier and looks like it worked just fine. However, can't be 100% sure, as Drupal 10.1 breaks some things in Bootstrap theme that I use.

🇷🇺Russia pick_d

Thanks, will try that with 10.0.9.

🇷🇺Russia pick_d

I have the same issue with Drupal 10.1 and this theme.

However, in my case disabling advagg and built-in aggregation doesn't really solve the issue completely for some reason.
Theme still won't work properly, but it is "way less broken". Maybe I messed up somewhere else. With D9.5 everything works just fine.


Error: Class "Drupal\bootstrap\Bootstrap" not found in include_once() (line 31 of SITEDIR/web/themes/contrib/bootstrap/bootstrap.theme).

🇷🇺Russia pick_d

Probably dumb question, but

How does one upgrade to Drupal 10 when there is no suitable amp release? I mean, I patched the module, and upgrade_status shows that everything is fine and I should I be able to upgrade, however when I try to upgrade, I get this:

- drupal/amp 3.6.0 requires drupal/core ^8.7.7 || ^9 -> satisfiable by drupal/core[8.7.7, ..., 8.9.x-dev, 9.0.0-alpha1, ..., 9.5.x-dev].

🇷🇺Russia pick_d

New beta release works well for me on Drupal 9.5.9.

Thanks a lot.

🇷🇺Russia pick_d


Thanks a lot, works well for me.

🇷🇺Russia pick_d

Looks like this patch won't work with 2.0.0 alpha, sadly.

Could be an extremely good and necessary feature. Maybe I am doing something wrong, but as of now revisions get deleted on the cron run, and there are just no indications about that whatsoever, the log (/admin/reports/dblog) is clean, like nothing happened :-)

🇷🇺Russia pick_d

Any chance the regular (not dev) version of the module will be updated with these patches implemented?

🇷🇺Russia pick_d

Yep, noticed it too.

The simplest workaround I use for now is just to copy
web/core/misc/logo/ and web/core/misc/icons/ to web/themes/misc/

Changing the paths would be smarter way, but I am just a lazy guy.

🇷🇺Russia pick_d

3.0.0 seem to work fine with Drupal 9.5.2.


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