
Account created on 23 February 2017, about 8 years ago

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I have the same issue. The module file in 7.0 shows this line:

 * Implements hook_ckeditor_plugin_info_alter().
function linkit_ckeditor_plugin_info_alter(array &$plugins) {
  if (isset($plugins['drupallink'])) {
    $plugins['drupallink']['class'] = "Drupal\\linkit\\Plugin\\CKEditorPlugin\\LinkitDrupalLink";

However, the plugin does not exist anymore. Can we just remove this line? I think core handles this now in ckeditor5.

@Lobster, yes the invitee is a registered user but not part of the group yet. So it will never have the permission "view group invitations".

You can test this by just inviting a user and then login as the user and go to /user/group-invitations. You will not see the invitation there. The workaround makes them visible but I don't think this workaround should be the fix for this issue.

In my opinion this permission "view group invitations" is for group admins to see all invitations of a group at /group/%group/invitations. This makes sense to put this permission in the group structure. However, a user viewing its own invitations should not depend on this permission. Because its not part of the group yet. I think in the access check you want to skip this permission when the invitee id === current user id.

This issue is not fixed. It seems that in "GroupInvitationPermissionProvider.php" we check for the "view group invitations" on a view operation. This permission never exists on an invitee since the invitee is not a member of the group yet. Therefore this user can never view its own invitations. Hence, any group permission will never work since the invitee is not a member of the group yet.

A workaround is to create a new Outsider role (non-admin) to the group, for example named "Non-member". This role you can assign the "view group invitations" permission to.

Without a workaround I don't see a solution where we use a permission provider on group level. Because an invitee is always an outsider and therefore cannot have these permissions (unless we have the outsider role).

I don't think an outsider role is the way to go, especially when we have alot of group types and perhabs sub groups, you don't want to specifically add this outsider role to every group just because of this permission check.

I think this fix does not work anymore. I'm not sure why or how but we should check for a descendants count of 0, not 1. When I great 1 group with 2 subgroups and specifically delete the first subgroup. My tree gets broken because it triggers clearLeafData(). We only want this to trigger when there are no children in the root. Here is a new patch:

I have the same issue. Terms like "R&R" are treated as "R R" thus search api searches and highlights all the letters. It should however treat R&R as one word. Can't figure this out, I tried the \W and disabled certain processors, however I can't get it to work, it keeps searching and highlighting the letter R.

Any update on this? To me it seems nodespark/des-connector should get an 8.x branch/version to make it work with ES8.

How do I use this? Why is the merge taking so long?

I can't upgrade to D10 because of the composer.json context dependency. The patch applies after composer checks its dependencies so you can never patch composer files.

Any workaround please?

@Berdir To be fair, for me this does not have any use case anymore. I tried to create a custom router in NextJS which works with path_auto aliases. But I decided to use decoupled_router for this.

You need to change the entity_clone dependency to the 2.0 version.

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