🇳🇱Netherlands @Ronald van Belzen

Account created on 21 March 2016, over 8 years ago

Recent comments

🇳🇱Netherlands Ronald van Belzen

The patch #3 works correct. The php warnings are no longer triggered triggered.
Thank you for the fix.

🇳🇱Netherlands Ronald van Belzen

I found the solution. It was caused by xdebug: https://www.drupal.org/forum/support/upgrading-drupal/2023-12-19/solved-...

I downgraded xdebug as was advised and it works as it used to.

🇳🇱Netherlands Ronald van Belzen

I wonder whether this issue will also solve the scenario when copy-and-pasting multiple images into the editor. This results in only 1 image being saved, while the other images encounter the error:

Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException: File "public://inline-images/image.png" is already locked for writing. in Drupal\ckeditor5\Controller\CKEditor5ImageController->upload() (line 167 of /var/www/html/web/core/modules/ckeditor5/src/Controller/CKEditor5ImageController.php).

Not been able to check the patch, but maybe this is of interest.

🇳🇱Netherlands Ronald van Belzen

Tried patch #187 some more ,but the situation is different from what I first reported.

I have 2 facets filters in my facets block with checkboxes.
When I click one of the filters the checkboxes appear and I can check a checkbox. The filter works, but the checkboxes remain visible.
I cannot hide them any longer and I cannot open the checkboxes of the other filter.
Checking and unchecking the checkboxes of the first filter does result in the correct display of the items in the view, but I cannot close the first filter nor open the second filter anymore.

Maybe this is a different issue?

🇳🇱Netherlands Ronald van Belzen

None of the patches can be applied to version 2.0.6 by me. Is there a patch that can be applied?

🇳🇱Netherlands Ronald van Belzen

Is this related to the error I see in

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toLowerCase')
    at E.fn.init.val (jquery.min.js?v=3.6.3:2:69921)
    at HTMLSelectElement.<anonymous> (phone-number-form-element.js?v=9.5.10:51:33)
    at HTMLSelectElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js?v=3.6.3:2:43336)
    at y.handle (jquery.min.js?v=3.6.3:2:41320)

And if so, will it be release to 2.0.0-alpha5?

🇳🇱Netherlands Ronald van Belzen

I have not dug in very deep, but from what I can tell: it does not work together. The current bug just disrupts the process by causing an error. But I might be wrong.

🇳🇱Netherlands Ronald van Belzen

I build such a tool for my employer to help a customer in the transition of existing content to Gutenberg. The existing content contained nested paragraphs. I do not think I am allowed to share the code, but I can make a suggestion for a possible approach.

My approach was creating templates for converting content of content types and paragraph types. The templates contained tokens for referring to content values and entity references and their field values, or media items.
Special fields in the tokens referred to special functions in the engine that was able to convert those templates by replacing the tokens and concatenated them, resulting in a list of Gutenberg blocks that were saved in the body of the to be converted node.
The templates were in fact in most cases already Gutenberg blocks with tokens representing the dynamic content.

Templates were saved in configuration, and configuration was also used to indicate which content type(s) needed to undergo transition.

Furthermore, I patched the Gutenberg module function _gutenberg_is_gutenberg_enabled() and added an extra check for whether an individual item (and even individual translation of that content item) of the content_type (for which the Gutenberg experience was switched on and was placed in transition) was already converted (which needed to be tracked in a db table).

This had the added advantage that an editor could convert the content one item and translation at a time, and maybe not convert all the old content and still add new content using the Gutenberg experience at the same time.

During the conversion there needs to be a display for the old content and one for the converted (or new) content, and a switch between the two displays depending on whether the node had been converted of not.

Preparing for transition with such a tool still includes alot of work, but it makes the actual converting of content possible.

🇳🇱Netherlands Ronald van Belzen

I am able to use:

query ($id: ID!, $langcode: Langcode) {
 node: entityById(entityType: NODE, id: $id, langcode: $langcode) {

  mainMenu: entityById(entityType: MENU, id: "main", langcode: EN) {
    ... Menu

The NODE query works fine, but I run into a problem with the MENU query. In contrast to the NODE query, the langcode parameter is being ignored. The default language of the site is NL and I only get a query response for that language; no matter the langcode I use.

Seems to be a bug.

🇳🇱Netherlands Ronald van Belzen

The fact that the beta2 version was installed, in my case, was caused by a composer config "platform" setting locking all updates to rely on PHP 7.4.

After removing this, version beta4 was installed, and I could create a GraphQL server for "Core Composable Schema" without any issue.

I suppose this was a beta2 related issue, already resolved by version beta3.

🇳🇱Netherlands Ronald van Belzen

I can reproduce this issue:

  • Started by disabling all GraphQL 3 related modules.
  • (drush cr)
  • composer require 'drupal/graphql:^4.4' --with-all-dependencies (version 4.4.0 installed)
  • composer require 'drupal/graphql_core_schema:^1.0@beta' (version 1.0.0-beta2 installed)
  • Applied patch: "Add missing subrequest buffer.": "https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/drupal-graphql/graphql/pull..."
  • (dush cr) (drush updb) Just incase
  • Enabled both modules with the user UI
  • (drush cr)
  • Went to GraphQL setting to create a server
  • Filled in a Label, Selected schama: Core Composable Schema, Filled in the path, Either selected zero or 1 extension (same result)
  • Left all other default settings as they were
  • Save

Resulting warning and error:

Warning: Undefined array key "extensions" in Drupal\graphql_core_schema\Plugin\GraphQL\Schema\CoreComposableSchema->getExtensions() (line 298 of /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/graphql_core_schema/src/Plugin/GraphQL/Schema/CoreComposableSchema.php)

TypeError: array_filter(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given in array_filter() (line 298 of /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/graphql_core_schema/src/Plugin/GraphQL/Schema/CoreComposableSchema.php)

Drupal 9.4.9, PHP8.1

I hope this helps.

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