🇧🇪Belgium @jjgw

Account created on 24 November 2015, over 8 years ago

Recent comments

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

Sub "Create a database and user using phpMyAdmin"  / "Make sure you select utf8mb4_unicode_ci or utf8mb4_general_ci for COLLATION"
While current default is utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

Moreover, I highly doubt that "Drush is blocking update to Drupal 10.2" is the reason why my update fails.
After all, Drush was completely disabled!

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

Another approach might be:
- write down all your settings of simple_sitemap
- remove the references to the module from the database via /admin/modules/uninstall 
- remove the references to the module from composer.json and .lock with command: composer remove drupal/simple_sitemap 
- install the latest version of simple sitemap with composer, install in Drupal and reconfigure again

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

Since the Drupal version in admin/reports/status and in composer are identical, i.e. 10.1.7 I followed these instructions from your url 
"#Problem: drupal/core not updated with composer update."
Command 'composer prohibits drupal/core 10.2.0' return:

drupal/core-recommended    10.1.7 requires         drupal/core (10.1.7)                                    
drupal/core                10.2.0 conflicts        drush/drush (<12.4.3)                                   
drupal/core                10.2.0 requires         symfony/console (^6.4)                                  
drupal/recommended-project -      does not require symfony/console (but v6.3.9 is installed)               
drupal/core                10.2.0 requires         symfony/dependency-injection (^6.4)                     
drupal/recommended-project -      does not require symfony/dependency-injection (but v6.3.10 is installed) 
drupal/core                10.2.0 requires         symfony/event-dispatcher (^6.4)                         
drupal/recommended-project -      does not require symfony/event-dispatcher (but v6.3.2 is installed)      
drupal/core                10.2.0 requires         symfony/http-foundation (^6.4)                          
drupal/recommended-project -      does not require symfony/http-foundation (but v6.3.9 is installed)       
drupal/core                10.2.0 requires         symfony/http-kernel (^6.4)                              
drupal/recommended-project -      does not require symfony/http-kernel (but v6.3.10 is installed)          
drupal/core                10.2.0 requires         symfony/mime (^6.4)                                     
drupal/recommended-project -      does not require symfony/mime (but v6.3.5 is installed)                  
drupal/core                10.2.0 requires         symfony/routing (^6.4)                                  
drupal/recommended-project -      does not require symfony/routing (but v6.3.10 is installed)              
drupal/core                10.2.0 requires         symfony/serializer (^6.4)                               
drupal/recommended-project -      does not require symfony/serializer (but v6.3.10 is installed)           
drupal/core                10.2.0 requires         symfony/validator (^6.4)                                
drupal/recommended-project -      does not require symfony/validator (but v6.3.9 is installed)             
drupal/core                10.2.0 requires         symfony/process (^6.4)                                  
drupal/recommended-project -      does not require symfony/process (but v6.3.4 is installed)               
drupal/core                10.2.0 requires         symfony/yaml (^6.4)                                     
drupal/recommended-project -      does not require symfony/yaml (but v6.3.8 is installed)                  
Not finding what you were looking for? Try calling `composer update "drupal/core:10.2.0" --dry-run` to get another view on the problem.

The dryrun refers only to the installed contrib modules.
Unlike previous command, command 'composer update drupal/core "symfony/*" --with-dependencies'  says "Nothing to modify in lock file"-"Nothing to install, update or remove"
Also Command 'composer update drush/drush' gives same message while the current version is 11.6.0
How am I supposed to get the wrong symfony versions on the right path? Same for drush?

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

Yes, that's what happening when the total is not divisible by 3. I also tried with display: grid and display: flex, but then the pictures appear one above the other.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

I placed my icons in the footer area where they work properly. Too bad this theme provides a sidebar that is apparently only good for housing the RSS.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

I followed these steps to achieve next result: https://i.postimg.cc/hPQ6YRJT/Social-Media.png

  • create new page /  type article
  • add 5x the same small image
  • create view block / unformatted list of fields / no css added
  • add block to social bar

result: the images are vertical aligned on page and horizontal in the social bar (and some images are missing).

Thanks for the links to the contrib modules. I always try to avoid them, but if there is no alternative then I'm glad they exist.
As far as I'm concerned, there is definitely a problem with the theme here. And that should be reported.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

Do you mean the CSS I use or the theme's CSS?

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

I have installed the module and the features are what I need. Thanks for the tip.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

Thanks for the quick answer.
If I understand correctly, you mean using the module "Administer Users by Role" with which I could give the user limited editing control?

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

I thought uploading on this forum was not possible. It took me a while to find the right button.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

Yes, I tried several times. In doing so, I noticed a difference in file size between a sqldump coming from a bash script and a sqldump via cli. In the script, the argument "--hex-blob" was used. And it was just this that caused the result of the import to fail. So everything ok then. Thanks

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw
Yes, I saw this post too, but I can't learn anything from it unless it has to do with a reference to an empty node.
The node exists in the source, so it should also exist in the target. Did I do something wrong in the steps I took for the transfer?
🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

I followed posts on how to copy a site to another domain. There are just a few posts about the error message, they are years old and bring no solution to my problem.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

In the meantime I uninstalled the module, removed from the modules directory and reinstalled again.
Now it's working, except the refresh button isn't visible (but that 's not a great missing)

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

On http://es.localhost/admin/config/content/formats/manage/basic_html?desti...
that's the clean spanish site without any content and contrib modules
I have no js errors but 2 (same) warnings:
[Deprecation] The keyword 'push-button' specified to an 'appearance' property is not standardized. It will be removed in the future.
I added all the available buttons, except the source button, to the active toolbar without getting js errors.
When I added the source button and saved the configuration, the buttons dissapear and are replaced by text, and I get 6 js errors + the 2 warnings.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

my configuration:
Drupal 10.1.4
Apache 2.4.57 Ubuntu
PHP 8.2.10
Mysql Ubuntu 22.04.1

I did following tests on localhost:
1° install drupal with spanish translation
composer create-project drupal/recommended-project
2° check all text formats for basic page
goto /admin/structure/types/manage/page/fields/node.page.body
check all text formats and save
3° try to modify formats for Full HTML
goto /admin/config/content/formats
select full HTML
click on configure
4° result:
No icons are visible. Instead there are the text references to the icons.

This time I have no more the error message as mentioned above.

What's weird:
I did this test 3 times with the same result.
I also did the same test with a non translated installation. (English)
And here the icons for full HTML are visible as expected!!!

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

There is no bug involved here, but my database is corrupted. In fact, I had a power failure and I am now experiencing similar problems in other modules, like blocks. To avoid further surprises I am forced to redo my work of the last 3 days. Sorry voor het storen.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

I found next PHP error in the logfiles:
TypeError: Drupal\image_captcha\Service\ImageCaptchaRenderService::__construct(): Argument #2 ($connection) must be of type Drupal\Core\Database\Connection, Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelFactory given, called in /var/www/blogs/web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php on line 259 in Drupal\image_captcha\Service\ImageCaptchaRenderService->__construct() (line 48 of /var/www/blogs/web/modules/contrib/captcha/modules/image_captcha/src/Service/ImageCaptchaRenderService.php).

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

I had already added following on line 102 in ImageCaptchaRenderService.php
$width = (int) round(($width), 0);
$height = (int) round(($height), 0);
but your patch is working at an earlier stage and is working well.
Thanks for the quick response.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

I found the reason why not rotating: I had to uncheck the "Display all values in the same row" in "Multiple field settings".
Stupid of me...
Anyway great thanks for your help.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

My js libraries folders and files had no write persmission for group. After being adjusted the warnings disappered, but still no rotating.
So I removed them all and created new ones with "drush dl-cycle-lib".
The view settings are simple: a block / format slideshow with basic settings / one field: slide / basic filter and sort criteria.
I don't understand why it's not rotating.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

I applied the patch https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-05-11/3359497.patch and now the "Undefined array key url" warning does no more appear in the log files.
For the "Array to string conversion" i found this issue: https://www.drupal.org/project/switch_page_theme/issues/2944602 . I am wondering if I should still apply the 6 years old patch mentionned over there.
Any way, the problem of non rotating remains. The slideshow reacts like an unformatted list. The 2 slideshow modules are enabled and in the meantime I removed the 4 jquery folders and made new ones. In vain.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

Close this issue. The reason was comparing 2 dev environments one with and another without the libraries installed. Sorry!

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

The warnings and error message disappeared as they came (after an update of Ubuntu).
This issue can therefore be closed.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

I tried with a lower php version (PHP 8.1.18) with exact the same result.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

I had to configure block Main Navigation. Solved.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

At the moment this module should not be available for download as it does not work at all.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

see how to solve

In your content type, use a standard file type for your gpx

The content of the .htaccess file in .../sites/default/files/gpx-files:

<FilesMatch "\.(?i:gpx)$">
     Header set Content-Disposition attachment
🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

I used this command, but misunderstood the instruction 'composer create-project drupal/recommended-project my_site_name_dir' from
My command was '/var/www/html$ composer create-project drupal/recommended-project /var/wwww/html/drupal'
So adding the dir name was producing the access error. Without it worked like a charm
Thanks for helping me.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

Sorry, writing error. /var/wwww/html does not exist. Composer was launched from /var/www/html.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

user jan has full read/write/execute access to folder html
see command sniplet where a text file and folder were created and deleted

//$ echo "$USER"
/$ cd var/www
/var/www $ls -la
drwxr-xr-x  2 jan  www-data 471040 mrt 17 19:26 html
/var/www$ cd html
/var/www/html$ ls -la blabla*
ls: cannot access 'blabla*': No such file or directory
/var/www/html$ mkdir blabla
/var/www/html$ nano blabla.txt
/var/www/html$ ls -la blabla*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jan jan    7 mrt 17 19:40 blabla.txt

total 468
drwxrwxr-x 2 jan jan        4096 mrt 17 19:48 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 jan www-data 471040 mrt 17 19:48 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jan jan    7 mrt 17 19:40 blabla.txt
/var/www/html$ rm blabla.txt
/var/www/html$ rmdir blabla
/var/www/html$ ls -la blabla*
ls: cannot access 'blabla*': No such file or directory
🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

I did the LAMP setup under Ubuntu years ago and it was running until now. Actual configuration: Ubuntu 20.04, Apache/2.4.56,  Mysql8.0.32, PHP 8.2.3. I have no experience with Docker.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

Great, this solution worked. But after install/uninstall there are still traces in composer.json and .lock, and in mysql tables key_value, locales_location and locales_source. I assume they are innocent.
Unfortunately, this is not the end of my misery.
Now update.php is showing about 30 errors saying that these installed core modules (like Blocks, CKEditor5, System, Views...) are too old to update. I should update these modules to version 9 or 10 first, while about 1 month ago I installed this Drupal 10.0.2 version (in the meantime updated to 10.0.3).
I don't understand this.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

Using drush un is too late now. The module is gone, but the error "missing or invalid modules" from update.php persists. I am looking now for how to get a correct core.extension.yml file

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

There was a problem with PHP. Some modules were missing and other were available but not enabled.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

Yes, the webserver is up and running.
Meanwhile I tried a new installation from scratch and this time without using composer. When launching url drupal10.localhost the Drupal install screen pops up asking me for language, profile, settings.php, database, etc. At the end (at url http://drupal10.localhost/core/install.php?rewrite=ok&langcode=nl&profil...) I get the message "connection has timed out" .
From then on any further attempt to start, drupal result in the message described above.

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

I don't understand.  
This is my configuration:
under /var/www/drupal I have a drupal8 which is launced as localhost (using php7.2)
under /var/www/site1 I have a drupal8 which is launched as site1.localhost/site1 (using php7.2)
under /var/www/site2 I have a drupal8 which is launched as site2.localhost/site2 (using php7.2)
My goal was to install under /var/www/drupal10 the new drupal and launching it as drupal10.localhost/drupal10 (using php8.1)
Therefor I did as follow:
For apache:

sudo nano drupal10.localhost.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
	ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
	DocumentRoot /var/www/drupal10/web
	ServerName drupal10.localhost
	ServerAlias drupal10.localhost 
        <Directory /var/www/drupal10/web>
            AllowOverride All
	ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/drupal10-localhost_error.log
	CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/drupal10-localhost_access.log combined
sudo service apache2 restart

For Drupal10:

cd /var/www
sudo mkdir drupal10
sudo chown jan-data:www-data drupal10
composer update
composer create-project drupal/recommended-project drupal10

This results in /var/www/drupal10/web/  with its subdirs core, modules, profiles, sites, themes, etc
Isn't this not the normal installation scheme for drupal10?

🇧🇪Belgium jjgw

drupal is installed in /var/www/drupal10 and composer.json contains:

"extra": {
        "drupal-scaffold": {
            "locations": {
                "web-root": "web/"
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