🇮🇹Italy @AppLEaDaY

Account created on 21 November 2015, about 9 years ago

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🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

The program is just another string, the string value is selectable with a selection list.

Supposing the strings ad program1 and program2 the relative upload path for the file should change accordingly upon choosing between those two values, so it would become, for example documents/program1 and documents/program2.

I hope I've been clear this time...

Thanks in advance!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

Each item of the mentioned content type describes a study, so it is a collection of fields, for example the author or the authors, the document code...

Among these fields there's of course a file type field, so an upload path for the file has to be specified. The simplest way is to define that path statically. But I would like to make that path depend of the value of another parameter of the mentioned content type, that is the collaboration program the showed study belongs to. Just two values, actually, so the two possible paths would be for example "studies/program1" and "studies/program2", depending on the chosen value for the parameter related to the program.



🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

I tried to concentrate on the concept you mentioned about choosing the suitable "type" depending on what is going to be housed, however I didn't get it.

Nevertheless in a test environment I set up a dummy content type with two seemingly equivalent fields: a selection list based on strings (machine names) and a selection list based on integers. The options seen from outside are perfectly equivalent, I mean the labels are the same: Precipitation, Soil moisture and Snow. And I also created dummy content with three items, each of them belonging to one of the three categories (this is expressed twice for any item, I mean both with a string selection and with an integer selection (choices are coherent for each item). And I set up a view that filters those items based on a particular value of those selections. I noticed

  • With the view I can print both a label and a raw value for those selections and
    • for string selections the raw value is a string (a machine_name)
    • for integer selection the raw value is an integer
  • The filters of the view however work on labels, and not on the raw values

Summing up, the only difference I noticed is in how the raw values stored look like.

But I don't see still any reason to prefer a selection type over the other unless I'm interested in working with raw values. So far this is not my case. So... should I choose by flipping a coin?

Thanks for your patience!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

I'm simply bewildered in front of a plethora of ways to achieve seemingly the same result. I described the scenario above. I first resorted to taxonomy, I set up some vocabulary, but I later thought that mechanism was overkill for my goal, if only I consider I would never assign more than one single tag to the same object. So I was thinking of an implementation based on selection lists, but so I came across another necessary choice: lists based on strings or lists based on integers and related labels? The former choice gives me the idea of more immediacy in recognizing what the options are, with no integer used as key and no integer value to remember of when setting up filtering with views. Though the latter choice perhaps is more efficient as far as database usage is concerned? Or should I instead just ignore any database implementation matter, just because I'm using a CMS and that would entitle me to disregard how the CMS will implement my configuration choices ad database level?

Thanks in advance!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

I'm dealing with documents and related information. There's a referenced subject (Precipitation,  Soil moisture and Snow) that is going to be used by three displays of the same view to select documents based on that referenced subject and is not going to be showed in the boxes built by the displays.

And there's another referenced context, that is not used to select documents, but is going to be showed somehow as an acronym in any of the boxes showing the documents. In both cases I can achieve the desired result both with integers and with strings, but I suppose that storing 1, 2 and 3, for example, may be more efficient than storing machine_name_1, machine_name_2 and machine_name_3.

Is there anything wrong in what I deduced about how the database is used? Or is my concern about saving DB space overkill?

Thanks in advance!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

@the_turk, what version are you referring to? I've just upgraded to version 2.0.1-beta2 and I still cannot find any way to configure breakpoints with the configuration interface... Thanks!

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

@imclean, many thanks for the code! Though I couldn't get a perfectly working "mobile menu". More precisely, if I get to a page on the last level, then the menu cannot be opened anymore by clicking it. I hope you will notice my comment and you'll be willing to help! Thanks in advance!

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

Actually I had completely forgot about this post dated March 27th 2018, but thank you anyway, @andy_w!

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

I didn't find anything so specific that could tell me where categorization of content must be made necessarily with taxonomy.

I recognize, though, a vocabulary is something that can be defined independently from the content type, I mean several different content types can share the same vocabulary, that is with taxonomy I have not to repeat a certain list of options for each content type that needs to refer to those options. In my case I have a categorization that is meaningful only within a certain content type, so a list of options defined just within that content type would do the job of letting me distinguish categories of items of that content type, I mean using a vocabulary may be overkill in my case. Do you agree?



🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

I examined all the four issues you pointed to.
#3260525 is the closest to my case, but it's almost two years old and didn't get any answer.
With the other three ones I couldn't get any inspiration, but I rather got some doubt about the configuration itself.
For example I still wonder why in LDAP mappings I may possibly want to use user tokens instead of field names, as someone did.

And I also realized in my case a user creation at Drupal side does not produce a user creation at the directory service side. In the dblog the only possibly related message is of type ldap_user and it tells Failed to derive DN..

And I still wonder why on users created at Drupal side upon successful login with the directory service credential the password input box is disabled and I read below This email address is automatically set and may not be changed..

I guess I have a twofold problem: I don't have all the required understanding of the configuration and at the same time I still don't know how to troubleshoot - the messages in the dblog were not enough for me so far...

I cannot tell how many people in the world are now still trying like me to use the ldap module, though, especially in case succeeding is not expected to be difficult, some sort of vademecum with a reference case would be definitely appreciable.

I feel kind of lost. Would you please tell me what would you check to troubleshoot problems like the ones I mentioned?

Thanks in advance!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

Before understanding what you were suggesting, I went on /admin/config/people/accounts and on the choice Who can register accounts? I checked Visitors and I saved. (I cannot recall for sure now if the previous choice was Administrators only or Visitors, but administrator approval is required). As a result I could magically login with a user that was known only to the directory server and not to Drupal, besides the corresponding Drupal account was created and the user data found on the directory server were stored in Drupal.

Then I made the change you suggested, but I didn't notice any change in the behavior.
Later I had an idea. I got back on and in Who can register accounts? I checked Administrators only and I saved. Then I removed the recently created Drupal account and I repeated the login with the credential of a user known just to the directory server and not to Drupal. The outcome: I could again successfully log in and the user was created in Drupal - as well the data were fetched and stored. So I guess now I know why you suggested the mentioned change.

Now the issue is now I couldn't see any data synchronization between Drupal and the directory service. I mean I tried to change some data for the user in the Drupal interface, I received a Drupal message telling somehow the data had been saved, though actually old data from the directory service are still displayed. Then I tried to change a text at the directory service side. The Drupal user still logged in could not see the change. So I logged out, I logged in again and I could see the change. Apparently Drupal fetches user's data from the directory service just when the user logs in. This is acceptable. Though I expect I should be able to modify the data with Drupal and have the changes stored in the directory service...

Would you please help me in making the next necessary steps ahead?
In my mind I should be able to perform a bulk users creation at the Drupal side and then see the Drupal users registered in the directory service. This is because a small part of the user data is stored only in Drupal.

Thanks in advance!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

I tried with an authentication name and a password of a user that is not known within Drupal.
The user is found in the directory service and the associated information is correctly retrieved, thanks!
The issue arises when attempting to use those credentials to log in: "Unrecognized username or password.".

How can I go on?

Thanks in advance!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

I took my time to install and try.
Maybe I'm thick-headed, anyway I didn't find the usage any straightforward.
I reckon that the paragraph "Bootstrap Carousel" must be the unit that define each single possible slide for a carousel. If that is really the case, then I would call rather call it "Bootstrap carousel slide". For the same reason the label for "field_image" should be "image", instead of "images"... besides it is impossible to choose multiple images within a same instance of the paragraph.
And so far I could not figure out how to set up a carousel by combining different instances of the same paragraph representing the single slide. If I use a paragraph like the mentioned one as a field of a content type, I definitely don't know how transform that into a carousel. What documentation or suggestion am I missing?

Thanks in advance!


P.S. I take the chance to point to a definitely minor issue: a typo in the description of the mentioned paragraph: "Exemple Bootstrap Carousel".

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

I made some steps ahead. Now I need help setting up the module.
https://www.drupal.org/project/ldap/issues/3411368 💬 Lost in configuration Active



🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

That's nice, Jay.Chen! Though... how would you do to have that code executed? I'm sorry the newbie question!

Thanks in advance!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

The problem is not with the format, I mean Member for might be OK, but how can I force the creation time to be the same as the the value I have in my data source?


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

Hello, @bluegeek9!

I'm going to use OpenLDAP. My problem is I'm not knowledgeable enough with this context.
I'm playing with the LAM interface, but I'm facing predefined sets of attributes for users, some of them can be used, some of them are not needed, and some field would be needed but is missing in the sets. It's seems getting a precise set of fields is not as easy as it would be with Drupal. I'm searching for a tutorial that could tell me at least how to get all the fields I need, though so far I found just basic introductions.
Before utilizing a Drupal module that can connect to a directory service, I suppose I should first understand the optimal way to store data on the directory service for my specific case, shouldn't I?



🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

Your answer has been definitely reassuring at first, though today I feel kind of obsessed, so I feel the need to ask you: if you were in my situation, would you ever consider the idea of starting again from scratch with the upgrade not to take risk of any kind? You know, the project I have to manage looks huge to me, and I still have plenty of tasks to carry on, and at least for some of them I don't have the necessary skills yet. So it would be demoralizing to get back to what was supposed to be the first step, that is upgrading a Drupal 9 instance where I had already crafted a theme in the past... At the same time, I wouldn't want to have any regrets in the future, when it might be "too late" to get back. I apologize for my obsessive behavior. I confide in your understanding.



🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

@DieterHolvoet, I did what you suggested, and it still didn't work. Though I didn't expect that kint was coming with Devel, and not with Devel Kint Extras... Are you sure about that? I've just read the description for Devel Kint Extras, but maybe I didn't get correctly what explained there...

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

@DieterHolvoet, please have a look at the screenshot.
As you can see, debug is enabled. And page.content must contain something, since, after I replace kint(page.content) with page.content the content appears.
I'm puzzled.

Thanks in advance!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

@DieterHolvoet I just acted in page.html.twig. There I have the code below.

<div class="container mt-3 mb-3">
  {{ kint(page.content) }}

I know for sure from the theme debug that page.html.twig is in use.

The related output follows.

<div class="container mt-3 mb-3">

What else should I check?

Thanks in advance!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

Clearing the cache was not enough.

To avoid any misunderstandings: I can see the new "Slider" region in the Block layout (/admin/structure/block), but I cannot see any yellow band in the demonstration (/admin/structure/block/demo/THEME_MACHINE_NAME).

Maybe I should remove all assigned blocks, and then clear the cache?




🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

Thanks, Gisle!

Now I can tell that I know what replacements I should do and I should inevitably keep a journal of the assignments of the block (creating a module as @nofue suggested is not within my reach, unfortunately). I hope keeping such a journal won't be time-consuming...

In the meantime I set up my child theme of Boostrap5, and I changed the set of the regions. I suspect something might be flawed, because of something I could not achieve yet and I explained in the post at the URL below.


Do you have any suggestions for that?

Thanks in advance!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

I guess you have been thorough, thanks!

You can write a module which installs all the blocks and content types and paragraph types and block types your theme may need.

Unfortunately, I don't have enough experience to write such a module. Creating modules for Drupal is still a skill I lack, and this worries me. I haven't yet found a circumstance where I could start and simultaneously achieve something useful.

If your server supports webdev, you should be able to make the server drive a webdev target you can access like a regular drive from your local machine.

I cannot tell what you mean with webdev, though I gues you may refer to whatever condition where I can see remote files as they were local. Is that correct?

In the meantime I set up my new theme build as a child of boostrap5, though I suspect something might be flawed, because something I could not achieve yet and I explained in the post at the URL below.


Do you have by any chance any suggestions for that?

Thanks in advance!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

At this stage it's easy to change the theme's name and it's machine name wherever this has to be done. 

Then I may strip remove both themes from the clone and install the packaged theme I created. If this works as intended, it's easy to put that new theme on any installation which might require it.

Does an installed theme not have a configuration stored in the database?

Anyway I answered to Gisle in the comment at the URL below.




🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

Regarding your "same machine name" concern -- it shouldn't be much of a problem to use an intermediate machine name and do a search and replace once you feel confident about the new theme. Just make the intermediate name cryptic enough to not create false positives on search.

I answered to Gisle in the comment at the URL below.




🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

It is extremely trivial to change the machine name of a theme at any time (at least if you know how to use grep)

I never investigated on this aspect, though I expected the machine name of a theme could be stored in the DB. Are you saying that, instead, there's no track of that machine name outside the directory of the theme? What about, though, the assignments of the blocks? Actually if I uninstall a theme I loose any setting there - and possibly elsewhere... What will tell Drupal what is the set of blocks for a theme that had is name changed? Forgive me, I'm puzzled.

Anyway in a directory of a theme I launched a command similar to the following.

grep -Pr "\bmachine_name\b" *

I got several occurrences on several files, but what am I supposed to replace there? Nothing there anyway is showed specifically as "machine name".

Thanks in advance!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

I know theme developers that I respect who strongly disagree with me about the merits of sub-theming Bootstrap 5, and instead strongly advocate developing bespoke themes. If that is the approach that suits you best, I consider it a valid approach to theming.

This is interesting. The problem is I'm afraid I wouldn't deserve your respect anyway, because I know I may behave like a duffer with both the two approaches. You know what? I stopped trusting the reliability of my Frankentheme after I realized I was struggling to style conveniently an input box and a button coming out after I introduced an exposed filter in a view. I was not getting the Bootstrap styles automatically, so I stole one or more templates I guess from Barrio, but again I did not succeed. So I stopped, wondering something like what if I had a sound set of templates written with Bootstrap in mind? After all, I must have stolen some template somewhere when I had to build the navigation menu, though some months passed and I can't recall that now.

Unfortunately, I cannot dedicate myself full time to Drupal, and specifically to Drupal theming. That's why I find it difficult to predict how much time setting up a theme will take me, even though it's something I've already done.

But thank you anyway for the encouragement!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

What do you think makes your current theme so special that you have to stick with it at all cost?

It's not special, it's simply already there, apparently working - though I'm afraid I didn't test its responsiveness yet...

And I don't have to stick with it at all cost. It's interesting your remark about possible crashes. I wonder how that can happen and what upgrade you were referring to.

About trying with a subtheme of Bootstrap5: I have the feeling I'm gonna sit on two chairs for some time, that is I may work on two Drupal instances. The reason for the two instances is that I want the two themes to have the same machine name.

Thanks for the encouragement!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

As for what direction you should proceed, I am not able to tell you. I am a big fan of subtheming and SASS, and I have tried to convey here why that is the route I have chosen to follow. But at the end of the day, you need to decide what is best for you.

Thank you, Gisle, I have to say I'm definitely curious about the different way of working with styles you wrote about.

To be honest, though, what I am supposed to decide at the end of the day - and days are already going by - is not whether resorting to SCSS or not. Besides, I've already much enough motivation to start working with SCSS, I may even become enthusiast of that.

I'm gonna make you the question I didn't make before. Would you consider a Frankenstheme as the one I produced so unprofessional and dangerous for the future of a website that you would anyway in my situation make all the necessary steps back to build up a new theme as a child theme of a reference theme, no matter what time it will take? You know, I feel under pressure because I'm aware of the obstacles I'll have to overcome regardless of the theme. I intend to do a good job, at the same time I feel responsible for how I choose to use time. I made the Frankenstheme I guess several months ago, it was just an experiment, like a game I made with no pressure, but when I got back on that Drupal instance it gave me a sense of advantage, in my mind I had not to think about the theme. But then came the doubt that brought me here.

Please consider I've just set up another Drupal instance where a may carry on a possible parallel development with a child theme: I mean the ideas of the people who answered here somehow influenced me. If I still have the Frankenstheme in mind that's not because I'm stubborn, but rather because I'm thinking of the time ticking by.

Thank you for your patience!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

I appreciated your summary about SASS. I mean to use it, though for the moment, as I told Gisle, I don't know where it can help me. Maybe I should read about some possible use cases.



🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY


I appreciated your attempt to dissolve my fear of starting once again with theming the website.

I had the same feeling, that is I may like Bootstrap5.

As for installing other themes on the same instance, I guess I would prefer to set up a second instance, since I would like the child theme to have the same name and the same machine name of the theme I would dismiss.

Many many thanks!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

Many thanks, Gisle, for dedicating to me your time!

SASS is deeply ingrained in the Bootstrap 5 framework. If you don't use it, you're losing the significant advantages that this framework brings to theming. I will go as far as saying that if you're not leveraging on SASS, you probably should not use Bootstrap 5.

As for SASS, that's not that I don't want to use it. I simply still don't know how to use it, I mean for what purpose. Maybe I should search for some tutorial... And I wouldn't do without Bootstrap anyway, by now for me referring to Bootstrap classes is a habit.

In a comment below nofue suggested The sooner you start, the sooner you're done, as an answer to my fear to regress to a stage where the theme in use has not yet set up. What would you suggest, considering I mean to resort to Bootstrap? Would you have any hesitation in suggesting me to get rid of the Frankentheme whatever the price to pay will be? ;-)

Thanks for you patience!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

Dear Gisle,

thank you for your accurate investigation concerning themes centered on Bootstrap 5: that's just what I needed!

Why did I create a subtheme? Leveraging on base theme with an existing user base provides more hands and eyeballs for keeping up with development. Bootstrap 5 is a moving target and creating my own custom "Frankentheme" by putting together some SCSS and JS files and twig templates borrowed from existing Bootstrap 5 themes for myself and my client is IMHO bad for QA and dangerous for the client due to the bus factor. It is probable also more expensive for the client in the long run, as they need to retain me forever just to keep it updated. Some people argue that Bootstrap is too much, and that by subtheming, you are forced to import a lot of bloat that you shall never use, but for me, the advantages of subtheming outweighs the inevitable bloat you have to suffer.

I would like to better understand your statements, absolutely not because I've anything to argue whatsoever, but instead because I've something to learn and understand. Please consider unfortunately I did already create my Frankentheme theme as described in the subject and, alas, I've been working quite a long time at my Drupal instance after setting up that theme!
So, before making several steps back to replace that theme with something else, I would like to be fully conscious of any good reason for such a painful regression. Since I've not your experience, what you wrote about unfortunately is not that straightforward as it is for you. So please, forgive my newbie questions!

  • Why Bootstrap 5 is a moving target? What do you expect may change within a major version? Would resorting to a CDN address that problem in any way?
  • Why QA and bus factor are affected, notwithstanding a Frankentheme would be made just by an imported Bootstrap library, some html.twig file borrowed from some other theme and would inherit part of the templates from a core base theme?
  • Why should I expect a Frankentheme theme may need to be updated?
  • Would you please sum up the mentioned advantages of subtheming? I mean the advantages outweighing the bloat you mentioned...

I'm sorry if my original question became perhaps a request for a lesson on software development. I hope you will have the patience and the time to answer. At present time I'm working alone at an ambitious project and I'm struggling to find my way to overcome time after time my lacks of knowledge concerning Drupal.

A secondary concern of mine is my lack of familiarity with scss and sass. I noticed both Barrio and Bootstrap5 rely on these matters. And I remember when I tried to make a child theme of Barrio I got stuck at some point, maybe just with scss compilation, I was using gulp... On this regard is there anything I have to study first? In my condition dealing with Bootstrap5 would be easier than dealing with Barrio?

I'm already grateful to you.
I thank you in advance for whatever you may still tell for me!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

Thanks, @ConradFlashback. I know Barrio, though I never used it.

  • Why did you choose to make a sub-theme of a main theme? Did you ever considered instead the idea of dropping on the file system the bare minimum to have a Drupal theme and then possibly adding time by time what needed?
  • Why did you choose just Barrio among all the possible Bootstrap-based themes?

Thanks in advance!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

I'm sorry, @cilefen, I forgot... After all Support request was still available as an option...
Re-posted on stackexchange...

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

Thanks for caring about my issue, @svenryen!

Actually, if you don't enter any cookies in COOKIE HANDLING, all cookies will be unset by the module. You will need to enter line by line each cookie name together with the name of the associated category.

Below the Allowed cookies textarea I read the following caption.
When using the opt-in or opt-out consent options, this module will delete cookies from your domain that are not allowed every few seconds when consent isn't given.
When consent isn't given makes me think that acceptance or rejection of a cookie is determined anyway from the choice by the user, so I don't see why I should mention it in that Allowed cookies textarea.
Cookies from your domain seems to support what @Mahima_Mathur23 asserted, that is the module has no control over third party cookies. So who is supposed to remove the cookies related to Google Analytics? Still I saw those cookies disappear...
In the mentioned textarea I mentioned just cookies_agreement-categories, cookies_agreement-version and cookies_agreement, but I suspect this may be useless, since I read PHP session cookies and the cookie for this module are always allowed.

You may or may not need to set up something using javascript

sometimes some javascript to complete a well functioning handling of cookies

Is this possible practice documented somewhere? I'm still wondering what you meant with I've only gone for the javascript route, though I suspect that might be related just to some Google Analytics mechanism...

As for the living environment to inspect for you, I have to say momentarily I'm not up to date with Google Analytics service, that is I was using the Google Analytics Drupal module, but I read now that project has been marked as Obsolete and Use of this project is deprecated. Probably this module was bound to the legacy GA service that has been shut down?
When I asked for help months ago I had still the Google Analytics service in mind for the website I was dealing with, but eventually I disabled the module and I'm afraid now enabling it back and configuring it with the code of the case won't be enough to give you the environment you need, will it? I'm willing to take advantage of your kind helping hand, since I desire to figure out how to properly use the EU Cookie Compliance module, but I'm momentarily unprepared. What do you expect to find? A whatever drupal instance with some module that can deal with Google Analytics 4 and a property configured? I still don't know what this module could be. I'm sorry, I have to catch up.

Many many thanks!


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

@Anybody, I need time to try with a 3.x with something similar to a clone of the original instance. I consider that probably I have first to disable 8.x-1.3 that is no more supported, then to remove it with composer and then to require with composer an up to date version. Thanks anyway!

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

Many thanks, ravi kant! Though I confess at the momentary Iack knowledge about the "libraries.yml" works... may I simply copy your code and paste it inside the libraries file in use beside what it already contains now, no matter what?

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

Many thanks, TR! Your contribution was providential.

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

Many thanks, TR! Your contribution was providential.

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

@cilefen, as for Slack, I remember in the past I used one or more specific chats, though I see here we are mentioning just channels. I consulted ChatGPT, please look at the related screenshot. Apparently I need an invitation to an area, don't I?

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

@cilefen, do you mean I may overcome the problem I faced by installing a contributed module like "HTML Mail" or "Swift Mailer"?
What Slack channel should I refer to?

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

I attach the clipping with the strings I could see translated after using the form for the settings of the pager.

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

Tried now with Claro theme. I couldn't get the Next and Previous buttons, but I got First and Last, and I could not see them translated. Then I changed the settings for the pager of the view, and eventually could see the Italian words I had chosen in the form for the pager.

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

I couldn't attach more than one file, before. I attach now the clip with the form for the paginator and the settings for the labels.

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

I just discovered something: the labels for the buttons of the paginator can be assigned upon choosing the paginator for the view, and probably the strings chosen there override any other translation; please see the attachment. Bye deciding there the value for the labels I could get the desired result. I cannot tell whether this is a predictable and if this is the desired behavior. I don't have a clean Drupal 10 installation handy. I went on simplytest.me, but there with the Olivero theme I could get just a pager without strings: why? Please see the attachment.

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

@cilefen I'm afraid there's a character that makes a tricky possibly unnoticed difference: "›" and ">". Both "Next ›" and "Next >" are translatable and apparently the first one is involved in a pagination bar I see at the bottom of a view. I did translate "Next ›" but I keep on seeing it in English.
As for the pagination bar at the bottom of /admin/content view, curiously I see a "Last" and not its translation. The translation for the single word "Last" is set in /admin/config/regional/translate, though I cannot see the effect.

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

@jrockowitz, is there then rather another area where I can ask for support, I mean excluding Webform? I mean where can I get support with email handling module?

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

I humbly read the article, I got the suspect some of the already built webforms have a configuration non fully compatible with a Webform version newer than the one used to build them - is that correct? - but still I can hardly tell what the way out for me could be, if I exclude the time consuming creation of the webforms from scratch. The "Repair configuration" process didn't help. Would you please possibly supply me a step by step guide for my case? Thanks in advance!

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

I enabled Allow users to post submissions from a dedicated URL for all webform in /admin/structure/webform/config.
As a result newly created webform are now correctly displayed to unprivileged users, though webforms who were already there are displayed just with a title and submit button, no body.

I never knew I had to export webform.settings.yml after updating the webform module. How am I supposed to operate to accomplish this?

I did try a "drush webform-repair" on a dev environment, but it didn't help.

Perhaps the only chance I have is re-creating pre-existing forms from scratch?


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

@jrockowitz with version 6.2.0-beta5 I cannot see the option you mentioned. Please have a look at the screenshot.

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

@cilefen I suppose things have been working fine as long as the website was running on an old 8 core. I first upgraded to a 8.9.20 and then to the latest 9 core available at that moment. As for the version of Webform, considering the core version I started from was likely below 8.8, I can deduce it may have been upgraded quite a lot ahead to arrive at 6.1.4 - composer did the job.

As for the contributed mailer, I asked Chat GPT "what is a contributed mailer for drupal?" and by the answer I got I deduced I'm not using a contributed mailer.

I operate in a shared hosting environment. Perhaps it's worth mentioning I likely changed the version of the php interpreter, I suppose at the time of the old core version I supposed the php version was 7.3 or 7.4, with the upgrade of the core I chose php 8.1.

I'm attaching the raw text of a message I received with HTML not interpreted by the browser - I'm referring to the gmail interface.

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

@cilefen, I was uncertain in interpreting "contributed mailer module", though I had some ideas.
I searched "mail" and "smtp" in /admin/config and in /admin/modules and found no match.

🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

@cilefen, as far as I could see it's a matter of upload_max_filesize, post_max_size and memory_limit, but shouldn't I trust what a phpinfo displays for their values? I'm pretty sure the values I've set for those parameters are enough for the uploads I've in mind.

The "out of memory" occurs at line 76 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/File/FileSystem.php.

Here's what is at line 76...

$result = @move_uploaded_file($filename, $uri);

I took my time to copy from the web and paste some html and some php code to upload a file with a POST request.
Curiously enough with that code I could successfully upload a file I could not upload with the Drupal form.
And that code contains the function move_uploaded_file.

This is puzzling to me. I don't mean to argue about any responsibility of Drupal. I kept on writing because I hope to get some idea from knowledgeable people.


🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

--- UPDATE ---
I've just set up a local instance of the website on the PC I'm using.

In php.ini I didn't change the following setting I found there.

memory_limit = 128M

Result: I have no problems in uploading big files.

So where does that "out of memory" come from on the shared hosting environment?

Thanks in advance!


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