No available releases found with Drupal 10.3.2

Created on 14 August 2024, 7 months ago
Updated 9 September 2024, 6 months ago

I updated Drupal to version 10.3.2 with a composer update and then asking for the necessary database updates.
As a result now on the page /admin/reports/updates I see the message "No available releases found" in the row related to CSV Importer.
What is going on? How can I investigate?

Thanks in advance!


--- UPDATE ---
I ended up having the same issue with other entries in the Modules section, and even in the Drupal core section. I found the solution in the page at the URL below.

The issue I described above was observed on a couple of Drupal instances. In one of them I took one of the actions suggested in the stackexchange page at the URL above, in the other one the problem went away with no intervention from me. So the answer might be found elsewhere, as suggested in a comment below. 💬 No available releases found with Drupal 10.3.2 Active

💬 Support request






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🇮🇹Italy AppLEaDaY

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