🇫🇷France @Jérôme Dehorter

Account created on 6 January 2015, almost 10 years ago
  • Drupal Developer at SNCF 

Recent comments

🇫🇷France Jérôme Dehorter Lille

Patch not working on our website. After refresh data is still missing.

Drupal 10.3.10
Next.js 2.0.0-beta1
jsonapi_extras 3.26.0
jsonapi_image_styles 3.0.2
jsonapi_include 1.8.0
jsonapi_menu_items 1.2.6
jsonapi_resources 1.2.0
jsonapi_search_api 1.0.0_search_api
jsonapi_advanced 1.0.6

🇫🇷France Jérôme Dehorter Lille

I don't think this is due to SOLR because I have the same problem with my index search API linked to Database Search and Facet extension.

I have a multilingual site and to filter by language I change the url /en/jsonapi/index/ and
/fr/jsonapi/index/ because the langcode facet does not work.

When I add page[limit]=50 I have 25 items in the data and if I change this limit to 25, I have 13 items while I have 66 in total.

🇫🇷France Jérôme Dehorter Lille

Good morning,

I tested the allow_keeping_includes branch with the Do not minimize the response enabled configuration and I don't see any change.

When the cache is empty, I will see the JSONAPI response of my content and everything is well integrated. I refreshed the page and nothing is present.

Drupal 10.3.2
Next 2.0.0-beta1
Multiple JSON:API extensions

🇫🇷France Jérôme Dehorter Lille


I got this error on "Not in Database" choice
TypeError : scandir(): Argument #1 ($directory) must be of type string, false given dans scandir() (ligne 127 de /opt/drupal/www/modules/contrib/auditfiles/src/Auditor/AuditFilesNotInDatabase.php).

I think this error occurs because the directory is remote on our S3 and not local.

🇫🇷France Jérôme Dehorter Lille

I encountered the same problem with the 2.0.0 branch. I am attaching the patch to resolve this issue.

🇫🇷France Jérôme Dehorter Lille


Patch https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/jsonapi_extras-3473990/-/commit/52aa046...
not working on my Drupal 10.3.2 with Schemata 1.0.0 and JSON:API Extras 3.25.

I got this error
Fatal error: Declaration of Drupal\jsonapi_extras\Normalizer\SchemataSchemaNormalizer::normalize($entity, $format = null, array $context = []) must be compatible with Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Normalizer\jsonapi\SchemataSchemaNormalizer::normalize($entity, $format = null, array $context = []): ArrayObject|array|string|int|float|bool|null in /app/drupal/www/modules/contrib/jsonapi_extras/src/Normalizer/SchemataSchemaNormalizer.php on line 35

🇫🇷France Jérôme Dehorter Lille


Thanks for the patches. It works for me on Drupal 10.3.1 & GDPR 3.1.0.

🇫🇷France Jérôme Dehorter Lille


The module Permissions Policy ( https://www.drupal.org/project/issues/permissionspolicy ) does the job very well. Maybe integrating it as a Security kit submodule could be a good solution.

🇫🇷France Jérôme Dehorter Lille

I try the patch on my wesite (D10.2.3 + Drush 12) and it works.

🇫🇷France Jérôme Dehorter Lille

Hello larowlan,

That's right, we have several multilingual projects and this would be to display language-specific menu items.

🇫🇷France Jérôme Dehorter Lille


With this addition of "langcode" would it be possible to add the possibility of filtering in the API with ?filter[langcode] for example.

🇫🇷France Jérôme Dehorter Lille

A wonderful event. I was happy to meet you in Lille ! Next time Rennes !

🇫🇷France Jérôme Dehorter Lille


This issue can be closed, a trailing is present in the file.

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