I'm experiencing the same issue. I have a paragraph called "Media Gallery" and it has a paragraph revisions reference field to a paragraph called "Media Item". If I add a "Media Gallery" and add 2 "Media Items" I cannot use the "Drag and Drop" interface to change the order of the 2 "Media Items". Clicking the "Complete Drag & Drop" button after swapping the order does not change the order. I can only save the order change if I save the node and do not use the "Complete Drag & Drop" button.
It does not work with 1.0.1 on Drupal 9.5.11. To be more precise it works on a view with AJAX turned on but as soon as you use a filter or a sort on the view via ajax it no longer works the error in the log is "Page not found" when trying to edit a field.
erichomanchuk → created an issue.
I added in a config option to disable the exceptions if that is needed but by default exceptions would be thown.
erichomanchuk → created an issue.
Well trying to update my code I ran into an issue with cancelling a registration to a webinar. To do this I have to call $zoom_client->put($zoom_path, $post_values); and then $zoom_client->delete($zoom_path); But a successful call to either returns a NULL value so there is no way to determine what logic I should run next.
The ClientBase from APiTools only returns $response = $response->getBody()->getContents(); body as a response and for these specific API calls
Don't return body contents so the response is always NULL for pass/fail.
This change has caused issues with previous code written from the 2.0 API that I was not aware of. The code I had written registers users to zoom and then writes the registration to an event system database on another server. The code I had to do this checked for a exception and did not write to the events system when there was an error with zoom, but with the exception not being throw users who were not successfully registered for zoom got recorded as there was no exception thrown anymore to stop this.
try {
$response = $this->zoom->post($zoom_path, $post_values);
catch (RequestException $exception) {
// If zoom api fails to remove this registrant then let's not remove
// the registration from the remote database either.
$this->messenger->addError($this->t('There seems to be an issue with registration. Please try again later and if the issue persists please contact support at <a href="mailto::email">:email</a>', [':email' => $contact_email]));
So now instead of a exception the response value is just NULL. I was not aware of this on the upgrade. So I guess my code needs to change to just testing if the $response is NULL now and I can't get the information from the exception if needed?
Closing this issue as the new Layouts Paragraphs 2 now has it's own warning message appear if you make changes and try to leave without saving so Node Edit Protection is no longer needed to work for layout paragraphs.
erichomanchuk → created an issue.
We still have the performance issue. Not sure what can be done but having the image styles deleted on a cache flush or a page save is a performance problem for us on the server. What would be ideal is the images would only be deleted on the image flush command or if the focal point / crop was changed on the field and then only those images would be deleted.
Can confirm this fixed the issue
I've been looking at both modules and would say that they are completely different solution. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
@DrDam module "Media Contextual Crop" allows the focal point to be different per field. So if I add a media image that allows for a focal point crop I can change the focal point independently on the field. So I could use the same media image on 2 different pages and have a different focal point for each use. Which then allows me to display an image style for each that would be different.
@szeidler This module "Media Library Media Modify Focal Point" would appear allow you to edit the focal point that is added to the media item but not allow a different focal point crop per instance of the field. So if I edited the media image focal point on node 1 and I had also used the same media item on node 2 the focal point would also be changed on node 2.
I tested the update again today and it seems to be working. Not sure what happened on the Server / Local but was only getting the value 1 returned from an insert. Perhaps some sort of caching issue on my end.
Thank you @DrDam . Yes we are currently just using a single image style for these modules but we like how this works and want to use this functionality more but would need this to work with responsive images to do so. I am happy to help test when it is ready.
erichomanchuk → created an issue.
erichomanchuk → created an issue.