Account created on 13 August 2014, almost 10 years ago

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🇯🇵Japan hktang

Hi there, working on this at DrupalCon 2024 for the next hour or so.

🇯🇵Japan hktang

We've got some feedback and further information from @rkoller. We are summarizing these and provide an update soon.

🇯🇵Japan hktang

hktang changed the visibility of the branch 3439643-block-title-accessibility to hidden.

🇯🇵Japan hktang

hktang changed the visibility of the branch 3439643-block-title-accessibility to hidden.

🇯🇵Japan hktang

Hi, I am working on this at the mentor contribution session in Drupalcon in Portland 2024. I will be working on this for the next few hours.

🇯🇵Japan hktang

Thank you! I confirm this works on v2.0.3.

🇯🇵Japan hktang

Thank you for your feedback @toddwoof
I'd appreciate it if someone could update the status to reviewed/tested if you are happy with the changes.

🇯🇵Japan hktang

If a submodule is needed, I am happy to contribute to the development of a such a submodule.

🇯🇵Japan hktang

I applied the patch to our site with meilisearch @2.0.0 and the message is gone. No more warnings. Thank you!

🇯🇵Japan hktang

Sure! Thanks for your reply.

As an update, and for anyone who's having similar requirements, I ended up using Docker to spin up difference instances for this purpose.

Official docker images are available at

🇯🇵Japan hktang

Hi there, I switched to version 2.x and so far it works perfectly.

The CJK text was searchable (although not ideal) after enabling tokenizer for CJK.

Thank you so much for your time building and maintaining this module!

🇯🇵Japan hktang

I am having the same issue. We have been using an older version of conditional fields (1.x-dev). It worked as expected in Drupal 9.5.

After upgrading conditional fields to 4.x, it stopped working in 9.5 and 10.x.

🇯🇵Japan hktang

Hi @admirlju unfortunately I haven't tried the 2.x yet. I had to keep our current Solr installation for now, but I hope to switch to Meilisearch soon.

One thing I should report is that, our site has mix language content. The site language is set to English, but a fair amount of text is in Japanese. I am suspecting this has some effect on the errors I expeienced. Not sure if it's related though. It would be nice if there's some kind of language configuration in this plugin.

Will try to revisit this again!

🇯🇵Japan hktang

Thank you! Let me try 2.x version and get back to you with my findings

🇯🇵Japan hktang

I cannot reproduce this on a clean installation, where the facets work fine. Any idea where to look?

By the way, there are other search indexes on my site, DB search and Solr. I am not sure if they affect how facets work on Meilisearch. Any pointer would be much appreciated!

🇯🇵Japan hktang

Thank you for your swift response! I confirm it works perfectly on my instance.

🇯🇵Japan hktang

Thank you for picking this up. Yes, after I deleted other search API modules (db, solr, etc), the Meilisearch config is visible by default and saves correctly.

🇯🇵Japan hktang

Thank you, Vishal for your swift approval!

🇯🇵Japan hktang

We have encountered the same issue, and #3 🐛 Inconsistent results when doing batch exports Active fixes our export.

We had to add two IDs, the Content ID and the Author ID, for the export to work correctly.

Production build 0.69.0 2024