Account created on 19 March 2008, almost 17 years ago

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🇦🇹Austria gr4phic3r

Does the widget work for you? I enabled Allow creating new items and Allow creating new levels but when I wanted to add a new term, doesn´t matter on which Level in the hierarchie, it doesn´t add it.
I use Drupal 11 and SHS alpha4

🇦🇹Austria gr4phic3r

Thank you for the clarification, yes, please close it, thanks

🇦🇹Austria gr4phic3r

thanks for the information, I´m a frontend dev, so I don´t know how dangerous it is and I thought it´s better to open an issue, but when you say that it is not relevant then I guess it is "works as designed". I will try to fix it via .htaccess, but if it is not a big thing to include it then I would still think about it to add this too.

🇦🇹Austria gr4phic3r

Now suddenly the different superfish blocks appeared after i added a new menu - not sure if this was the trigger

🇦🇹Austria gr4phic3r

@joelpittet do you use the module security kit?

🇦🇹Austria gr4phic3r

i use GTM and G ID-numbers, i added both in the google tag module, analytics also not working. i don´t know why it doesn´t get the data. i set up everything correctly in GTM, verified it with the preview in google tag manager and everything was working and still don´t get any data in analytics

🇦🇹Austria gr4phic3r

thanks for the info, but i think this does not solve the problem. i use it on a website where the users are mostly 60 years and older and they will write quite slow i guess. so if i set the delay to 3 seconds then it is quite a long time but then someone will press the button earlier than the site refreshes and this would make the module useless.
i´m not a backend coder, but is it possible to set the focus after the refresh of the view back to the field where the last text was entered at exposed filters?

🇦🇹Austria gr4phic3r

i would add a checkbox where you can activate/deactivate the caption

🇦🇹Austria gr4phic3r

i found now the reason/bug why it didn´t work:

i run a multilingual site and i set up 2 package types at COMMERCE > CONFIGURATION > SHIPPING > PACKAGE TYPES, one for an envelope up to 70g and one for a shipping bag up to 1800g. under COMMERCE > CONFIGURATION > SHIPPING > SHIPMENT TYPES is the default one, nothing has been touched there.

then i set up under COMMERCE > SHIPPING METHODS following methods:
- Normal letter with tracking
- Registered letter with tracking
- Shipping bag

... and because there are different fees national, eu and international wide, I checked under CUSTOMER the checkbox ADDRESS and chose Austria (national). I did this with all methods. Then i also checked SHIPMENT WEIGHT under SHIPMENT and chose "Less than or equal" and entered 70g for the letters and 1800g for the shipping bag. With this setting it gave me the error described above and also the Illegal choice error which others also had. When i remove the settings under SHIPMENT it works normally.

🇦🇹Austria gr4phic3r

hi jsacksick,

i disabled "Enable PayPal Credit messaging on Add to Cart forms." on the Paypal Credit messaging page and the button appears now again.
there is no custom code, because i cannot code :) - frontend dev here

🇦🇹Austria gr4phic3r


using 10.5.18-MariaDB-1:10.5.18+maria~ubu2004-log database and ... Ubuntu, VERSION="20.04.5 LTS (Focal Fossa)"

mostly it works normal and 1 time it had this crash

Production build 0.71.5 2024