This could be happening if you have Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML enabled and set to run before Align images. This strips out the align class on the image.
To fix this, move the align images processor down below Limit allowed HTML tags.
I added this patch and I'm still having problems with a lot of filters. I have a view showing visitors by country and I can't apply most filters to those country fields.
Error is:
Error occurred! Google\ApiCore\ApiException: { "message": "Unsupported regular expression syntax in value. See https:\/\/\/google\/re2\/wiki\/Syntax for supported syntax. invalid perl operator: (?!", "code": 3, "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT", "details": [] }
(I actually need to filter out when the country is not set, but there's no not empty filter, so I'm trying to do this some other way. Any attempt to filter on "does not contain" or regular expressions throw this error).
I've played with other filters and others don't work either. For example, try filtering on Device, does not contain "Galaxy"
I'm going to close this and create a new issue for the Uncaught TypeError error. Surely this is not the same thing as something that was happening 14 years ago in Drupal 6! Maybe a new issue will help to get this addressed. 🐛 Share and Email buttons not working in Chrome Active
This patch no longer applies
This worked for me as well. I think this is at least a documentation issue. I'm not sure if the developers mean for it to work this way, or if the files in the module should be renamed.
In the 2.x version the the yml files are also not in the migration_templates folder anymore, the folder is just called migrations.
Resurrecting this project now
I was able to make this error go away by uninstalling DateTime hide Seconds module. But I also wasn't able to replicate it using the Smart Date starter kit + DateTime hide Seconds on a clean install. SO it might have to do with that module + some other configuration ?
The instructions from the link don't work either. What you want is a credentials file in json format with a file name like your-property-name-[string of numbers].json.
When I set this up in I followed the instructions in the Readme and it did generate a service account. From API/service details, look for Service Accounts. Then edit that, and use the Keys tab to create a new key. This will let you generate the json file.
That will let you download a json file. That's what you need to upload in the module settings.
Then, as marco mentioned in #3, you need to add that email address as a user in GA4. From GA4, go to Admin then look for Account access management.
Oops, didn't get the permission file in there. Here's a new patch
Here's a patch.
This works.
Applying the patch for issue #3364109 linked in the previous comment resolves this error for me.
I copied the contents of the composer.libraries.json file into my composer.json file and that worked.
If I'm understanding you correctly, this is actually because of this issue: 🐛 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).once is not a function RTBC
The same thing happened to me after upgrading to Drupal 10. So if you install that patch there you should be good.
Thank you for working on this pyrello! My client is waiting for this. Unfortunately I don't know anything about writing ckeditor plugins either :)
Is that why I'm getting this error:
Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidDeriverException: Plugin (views_entity_embed_drupalentity) deriver "Drupal\entity_embed\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\DrupalEntityDeriver" does not exist. in Drupal\Component\Plugin\Discovery\DerivativeDiscoveryDecorator->getDeriverClass() (line 218 of core/lib/Drupal/Component/Plugin/Discovery/DerivativeDiscoveryDecorator.php).
This doesn't seem to work with the 2.x version of Google Tag.
BUT, it's not necessary to use a separate module for this. Domain Config module can handle this. I am currently having trouble getting that to work with the 2.x version of Google Tag. It works in the 8.x-1.6 , but I might have been setting it up wrong. The UX for that module works better for this use case in the 8.x version. Setting up multiple containers works differently in the 2.x version.
The ""%AutoEntityLabel%" block" text is appearing for me only in Layout builder. It's not displayed on the front-end.
megan_m → created an issue.
I'm finding the same as #8. And also, if I have "Make filter options collapsible" checked, then the collapsible box still appears.
Thanks for the fast response. I have used a custom module in the past to do this, but I don't really like any of those solutions for doing this :|
If I'm using this module to adjust the help text on a per-field basis, it might be nice to be able to set the defaults on the config form. And also pre-fill the form on the field widget settings with that default text :) Or even pre-fill the form on the widget settings with the default help text, that would be good.
Sorry, thought I found an issue but it was a configuration problem on my part.
I can confirm that this patch applies, gets rid of the ajax error, and makes the modal display. However, the correct form mode is not loading. It's using the default form mode not the one I have configured the modal to use. I'm not sure if that's a separate issue or not.
I had this problem on a site without Layout Builder Asymmetric Translation so this doesn't belong with this module. I will move this to core/layout builder
I'm not sure what's needed to reproduce this. I think it could have happened if editors closed a layout tab without saving or discarding the changes? I don't understand how tempstore works so that's just a guess.
Based on this Stack Overflow post, I was able to go in to the key_value_expire
table and delete the rows where collection was tempstore.shared.layout_builder.section_storage.overrides
. All the nodes we were having trouble with were in there (22 rows).
Sql query:
delete from key_value_expire where collection like 'tempstore.shared.layout_builder.section_storage.overrides'