Account created on 7 February 2013, over 11 years ago

Recent comments

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

I'm unsure if this will help, but let me share my experience.
for context, I have a node type using a workflow and I'm using the 'Workflow transition form' widget and a field with Entity Browser.

While creating a new node, and running Ajax (opening entity Browser) I get:
Error: content has no workflow attached. The data is not saved.

I tried to install the dev version but started getting this error even without touching the form:

TypeError: Drupal\Core\Field\WidgetBase::errorElement(): Argument #1 ($element) must be of type array, null given, called in /var/www/html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Field/WidgetBase.php on line 580 in Drupal\Core\Field\WidgetBase->errorElement() (line 646 of /var/www/html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Field/WidgetBase.php)

For now, I locked it to 1.7 in composer.json
"drupal/workflow": "1.7",
and it works well.

In 1.7 and prior $form["field_wf_status"]["widget"][0]["workflow_transition"]["#value"]) was set and in 1.8 is NULL

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Thank you for your work!
I committed the plain js version with some changes.
From my tests it worked but I didn't made a release tag yet since I want to do some more testing and eventualy also send the webform settings validation in plain js.
Meanwile, feel free to play around with it and give your feedback.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Dear @Sajara,
Apparently those browsers do not support CSS grid.
Grid is supported by most browsers:
Since CSS is used by 97% of the users, right now, there's no near term plans to change the widget styling to support legacy browsers, however, it's only CSS.
If you want, you can add the styling you want to your theme (layout, colors, font size, etc) or using a module like CSS injector

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Thank you @hewi1345
Yes, I also considered using plain js.
From my tests, the code in both branches seem to need some work:

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Dear @hewi1345 @Sajara
Thank you for your feedback.
There are several implications to consider.
The email content usually needs to be customised and a generic solution may not work well for most use cases.
The simplest approach, since Webform already allows to configure emails, would be to provide a token for the cancellation URL.
That would allow to embed inside a custom confirmation email.
A controller would get that cancellation request and remove the value from the submission.
Currently, the cancellation is deleting the field content. In terms of auditing, it's not great. It would be probably better to have a hidden 'Canceled' status.

As @ressa just mentioned, we are volunteering our time. We have a set of weekly contribution hours. If you need a specific feature within a specific timeframe, feel free to reach us.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Dear @abonadad1985
I'll have a look when I have some time available.
A warning is not a critical error. A critical error is something that breaks the module functionality or the website or has any security implications.
Moving to 'Normal'.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Thank you jbfelix for your feedback,
Possible, yes. It will require changing the getDays endpoint to call the getSlots for each day.
We'll need to check the impact of those up to 31 (days) extra queries.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Thank you @dr gubó
Yes, this would require some changes.
To be considered in an upcoming development cycle.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Thank you @mchamps for your feedback.
Your request is similar to the issue Allow booking of whole days Active .
I'm considering a 2.0.x that includes some of the new requests.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Thank you @eiclu for your feedback.
Yes, this is something that would be useful.
To be considered in an upcoming dev sprint.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Thank you @eiclu for your feedback.
Yes, this is something that would be useful.
To be considered in an upcoming dev sprint.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Thank you for your contributions.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Thank you @DavidAndersonENCSD for your feedback.
Yes, you're right. Right now we're only storing a string.
It may make sense to change it to a DateTime field, but it's also less flexible and would also constrain what we can do in the future (allow multiple slots or a range of slots, etc.)
We'll also need to consider the impact on projects already using the module. Eventually, there needs to be a '2.x'.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

New contrib module for the webform ecosystem

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Thank you @Kostiantyn for your contribution.
Merged and will be part of the next release.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Thank you @saurabhpandit26,
Commited to master. Will be part of the next release.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Thank you, butyou're probably using an old version.
The most recent version is already:
package: Webform

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

The previous fix only covered validation if the field was always required.
The latest release 1.0.8 now allows to use required as conditional

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

@hewi1345, thank you for you feedback.
I wasn't able to get the same error as you did, but since the validation error was in a field that only manager can see, the form was blocked without any user feedback.
The new release adds user feedback in case the field is required an no slot is selected.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

The date format is still not right.
If you want, export your configuration, edit the element part of the and import it again:
elements: |-
'#type': webform_booking
'#title': appointment
'#start_date': '2024-03-04'
'#end_date': '2024-03-22'
Mon: 0
Tue: 0
Wed: 0
Thu: 0
Fri: 0
Sat: 0
Sun: 0
'#time_interval': '7:00|18:00'
'#slot_duration': '15'
'#seats_slot': 2

You shoud be able to just select the dates in the calendar, but there might be a setting altering the default date format

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

It worked on a clean install:

The difference I'm seing is in the date formats. Should be DD MM YYYY and you're using MM DD YYYY

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

@alex20001111 you should be also seing the calendar as in the project description.

The text field will also be displayed to users able to edit swebform submissions, but not for visitors.
Please make sure your settings are in the correct format as explained in the tooltips.

If it's still now working, please add a screenshot of your settings so I can try to replicate it.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Thank you @d.sibaud
Just sent a fix a and made a new release that also include yesterday's issue.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

The problem I found was with js.
After adding some conditiinals, also added the Element definition and tested in a clean install.
Seems to be working.
In @dev only for now.
Try it out and let me know if it solved on your side.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Thank you for your feedback @hewi1345
This may be a nice tweak to consider in the fulture.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

@d.sibaud in the latest version, you can how have multiple instances of the booking element.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Thank you @hewi1345 for your feedback.
The month select was changed to also account for the year.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Yes, currently the module only supports 1 booking element per webform.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Actually that was good catch. Since end date is not required, it should work with no value set.
Just released 1.0.4 that if no end date is set, it will run indefinitely.
Thank you for your feedback!

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

@petednz any logs in Drupal or the browser console?
Can you please upload a screenshot of your element configuration so I can try to replicate the issue?

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Thank you @d.sibaud for your feedback and MR.
I tested your code but didn't work as expected on my side.
Ended up also adding the end date.
I'll close the MR since the funcionality is already available in the latest release,

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

@tinohuda, thank you for your feedback.
Just made a new release that allows administrators to see the input field and edit it.
Admins can now edit past submissions or insert any slot manually.

Only accepts one slot per booking but the user can do multiple submissions.

Added the ability to allow more than one booking for the same slot (Seats Per Slot).

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

rfmarcelino made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

The patch in #11 had a typo where sticky was called out of scope.
Here's the fixed patch.

I tried to apply #12 instead and I'm unable to submit the form after ajax runs.
With this patch, it works.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Idea detail page

Required fields

Label Type required/default
Title Text Yes
Category ER (Taxonomy)
Cover image Image
Remote video Link
About Text area / Paragraphs Yes
Supporters ER (users)
Opencollective ID Text
Budget Paragraphs Yes
- Title Text Yes
- Description Text area
- Target date Date
- Price Float
Team Paragraphs Yes
- User ER (user) Yes
- Role Text Yes
Completion % Integer Yes/0

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino
  • Simplify card
  • Aditional status besides in progress
  • Aggregate into areas
  • Change DA assocation by a simpler drop
🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

That's a warning that the DOI is not available in the user profile.

To debug, you can create a reference in the UI and try to view it. I the problem persists, then has nothing to do with the import from ORCID.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Never saw that one :)
I saw that you opened an issue in the bibcite project. Hope you manage to sort it out.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

You need to run a drush updb or visit /update.php after upgrading.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

@london6339, this is not a bug of bibcite_import_orcid, bit related with the version of bibcite you're using.
Likely, you're using version 2 with PHP8. Upgrade to version 3 and the problem will go away.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

rfmarcelino made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Left two warnings of 'Line exceeds...' and fix all remaining issues.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

rfmarcelino made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Duplicate of #3395609.
Should be fixed when merged.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

Since this will no longer be an issue when not in dev, I just made a merge request to change the project simply page 'quick start' snippets.

Instead of only:
composer require drupal/lupus_decoupled

would be:
composer create-project drupal/recommended-project lupus
cd lupus
composer config minimum-stability dev
composer require drupal/lupus_decoupled

Not that elegant, but since core assumes stable as 'default', not sure if there's a simpler way to do it.

🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino

@carma03, thank you for your contribution.
Committed and released.

Production build 0.69.0 2024