- Issue created by @dcoppel
+1 Facing similar error, I have an eck entity referenced in the user entity, where the eck entity is created on the user register form using IEF. This entity has workflow already attached to it, After using the latest version 1.8, I am getting this error when saving the user register form This value should not be null
- 🇮🇳India ighosh
Hi @dcoppel @Jaswinsingh, I have a fresh Drupal site. Could you tell me the steps to reproduce this issue so I can work on the fix? Thanks!
- 🇫🇷France dcoppel
Hi @IGhosh,
Thanks to help us !You can try to create a node type with a file field and a field type of workflow state.
Then you can create an other node type with only two text fields.
Then after installed IEF module, you can add in the first node type a field that refer to the the second node type (to add the fsecond form in the first one).
Then try to add a node base on first node type to see if it works.
Thanks for your help.
Regards - 🇳🇱Netherlands johnv
I now see 2 use cases:
- have a node type with Workflow and File
- create a node, add a file, save the node. Erro occurs because the 'triggering element' is not the save button, but "field_file_0_upload_button". After saving again, node seems to be saved correctly.
- the error does not occur is no file is uploaded.Second:
- have a node type with Workflow and IEF.
- Did not test, but may have the same test script and result. - Status changed to Needs review
6 months ago 3:01pm 7 June 2024 - 🇫🇷France dcoppel
Hi @johnv,
Thanks for your post.
I was intalled your patch but I have the same result.1- Loading file : An error displayed after file load (Error: content has no workflow attached. The data is not saved.), this error is just up to file field but the file is loading fine.
2- I can submit the form for a new node but I can't submit the form when modifying the node : general form error message appears : This value can't be null.
Thanks for your help. - 🇳🇱Netherlands johnv
do you use select/radios in workflow difeinition, or action button/dropbutton? - 🇳🇱Netherlands johnv
And your file field is attached to the entity/node itself, not to the workflow?
- 🇫🇷France dcoppel
I use actions button in my workflow. And my field file is attached directly to my entity/node.
Let me know if you need more informations.
Thanks for your help.
Regards - Assigned to johnv
- 🇳🇱Netherlands johnv
Working on this. I think i found a Solution.
Problem was a test on isNew() Which is True after adding/removing the file.Cleaning up the code now.
- Status changed to Fixed
6 months ago 9:28am 13 June 2024 - 🇫🇷France dcoppel
Hi @johnv,
I just install and test your last commit and the two problems I had seems to be correct now !
Thanks a lot ! - 🇵🇭Philippines iaacristobal Manila
I'm encountering an issue applying the patch. It's returning this error on my end:
patch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input. Could not apply patch! Skipping. The error was: Cannot apply patch https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2024-06-07/workflow_3452716_8_undefined_key.patch
I applied this using composer-patches.
- last update
6 months ago Patch Failed to Apply - 🇳🇱Netherlands johnv
There is no patch provider for this against 1.8 version. Please use dev version.
- 🇭🇺Hungary tikaszvince
Hi @johnv,
Any chance of creating a new release with these fixes in the next few days?
- 🇳🇱Netherlands johnv
Yex, I will this week.
I am waiting for response on 🐛 TypeError: WorkflowTransitionElement::copyFormValuesToTransition() (line 356) Needs review - 🇵🇹Portugal rfmarcelino
I'm unsure if this will help, but let me share my experience.
for context, I have a node type using a workflow and I'm using the 'Workflow transition form' widget and a field with Entity Browser.While creating a new node, and running Ajax (opening entity Browser) I get:
Error: content has no workflow attached. The data is not saved.I tried to install the dev version but started getting this error even without touching the form:
TypeError: Drupal\Core\Field\WidgetBase::errorElement(): Argument #1 ($element) must be of type array, null given, called in /var/www/html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Field/WidgetBase.php on line 580 in Drupal\Core\Field\WidgetBase->errorElement() (line 646 of /var/www/html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Field/WidgetBase.php)
For now, I locked it to 1.7 in composer.json
"drupal/workflow": "1.7",
and it works well.In 1.7 and prior $form["field_wf_status"]["widget"][0]["workflow_transition"]["#value"]) was set and in 1.8 is NULL
- 🇳🇱Netherlands johnv
@rfmarcelino, Thanks for your response.
Regarding the error 'Argument #1 ($element)', did you change anything in the settings for 'Manage form display' of the workflow? Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.
- 🇫🇷France dcoppel
Unfortunately, I have the same issue as @rfmarcelino :
TypeError : Drupal\Core\Field\WidgetBase::errorElement(): Argument #1 ($element) must be of type array, null given, called in /var/www/html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Field/WidgetBase.php on line 580 dans Drupal\Core\Field\WidgetBase->errorElement() (ligne 646 de /var/www/drupalextranet/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Field/WidgetBase.php)
I check in 'Manage form display' of the workflow. I thank I was change nothing in this part but I saw in field "To state" that the value is set to "Inline Entity Form - Simple".
Let me know if you need more information to help.
Regards, - 🇫🇷France dcoppel
I saw in 'Manage form display' that three field added between v. 1.7 and 1.8 : To state, Timestamp and Log message that was activating.
I don't know if there is a link with the error... - 🇳🇱Netherlands johnv
Let us continue this conversation in 🐛 TypeError: 'WidgetBase::errorElement(): Argument #1 ($element) must be of type array, null given, called in WidgetBase.php' Active .
Please post your error over there (to preserve your user name) with precise use case and modules.@rfmarcelino, I tested with Entity Brouwser and IEF installed, but in the EntityBrowser widget, I see an empty field 'browser'.
when creating a new node, I get the error:TypeError: key(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given in key() (line 424 of modules\contrib\entity_browser\src\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget\EntityReferenceBrowserWidget.php).
- 🇺🇸United States pdcarto
This issue is marked "Closed (fixed)" but it has not been tagged into a release. That forces anyone who wants to use this fix to use a dev branch of this module which, by definition, is not recommended for production sites.
The remaining open related issue 🐛 TypeError: 'WidgetBase::errorElement(): Argument #1 ($element) must be of type array, null given, called in WidgetBase.php' Active is weakly described (no steps to reproduce, unable to be reproduced by some commenters) and should not, in my opinion, block getting this work out to a tagged release.
@johnv, would you be willing to get this merged/tagged into a release?