🇳🇱Netherlands @jandewit6

Account created on 4 September 2012, over 12 years ago

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🇳🇱Netherlands jandewit6

Afraid not. I stopped using AT, partly because of this issue.

🇳🇱Netherlands jandewit6

Afraid I am using the Bootstrap theme nowadays. Requires some more knowledge of css.

🇳🇱Netherlands jandewit6

In my case, I got it working.

Where /admin/help/token gives me the token [node:field_field_name], I should use [field_field_name] insted. So without the node: part.

Hope this works for other too.

🇳🇱Netherlands jandewit6

Got it going.

The token value is [field_volledig_adres] instead of [node:field_volledig_adres]

Wonder why /admin/help/token is giving me this token value then.

I forgot to mention this before: thank you for this very exciting module. Great work, very welcome addition to the Drupal experience!

🇳🇱Netherlands jandewit6

That was my thought too, the content type. So I took [node:content-type:locatie]

Here's the complete setup:

Method: set only when empty
Strip tags: no
Trim: no
Field name: [node:field_volledig_adres]
Save entity: yes
Field value: [node:field_straatnaam:value] [node:field_huisnummer:value]
Entity: [node:content-type:locatie]

The tokens I took from /admin/help/token

🇳🇱Netherlands jandewit6

Same here, only the example Created [current-date:html_date] by [current-user:account-name] in [language:name] from [current-user:ip-address] works. Any other valid token as from /admin/help/token is not rendering.

Module field_token_value works like a charm though, but sadly enough not compliant with the geocode module which only seems the take text fields as input.

🇳🇱Netherlands jandewit6

Thanks, yes indeed Bootstrap theme.
Which I started using since some months, not only because of Kanban.

🇳🇱Netherlands jandewit6

In the hope it helps others, the following works with domains:

add the following lines to your settings.php:

/* hard code the domains front pages */
$config['domain.config.mydomain1_org.system.site']['page']['front'] = '/node/2';
$config['domain.config.mydomain2_com.system.site']['page']['front'] = '/node/233';

In which obviously mydomain1_org and mydomain2_com are replaced for your own domain names. Same for /node/2 etcetera.

🇳🇱Netherlands jandewit6

Have exactly the same problem, with the default domain consistently taking the frontpage node from the other domain (two domains).
And yes, " remember last domain selection" is on, /admin/config/system/site-information is in the saved configurations.

The switch usually happens after I as admin logged in.
I came accross the language selection mentioned in https://www.drupal.org/project/domain/issues/3154402 #32. Also didn't help.

Diqidoq wrote: " There are many ways how you can achieve different frontpage content for different domains"

Can you please show some ways other than at /admin/config/system/site-information?

🇳🇱Netherlands jandewit6

Also here I am running into this issue. making it impossible to update layouts as all added sections are 'saved'.
After applying the patch, still the same issue. Adaptations are saved according to front end, but on re-opening the layout, the newly added sections disappeared.

After applying the patch, I am getting a OutOfBoundsException: Invalid delta "0" in Drupal\layout_builder\Field\LayoutSectionItemList->getSection() (line 42 of ***/public_html/core/modules/layout_builder/src/SectionListTrait.php).

| Blazy | Grouping
🇳🇱Netherlands jandewit6

jandewit6 created an issue.

🇳🇱Netherlands jandewit6

Reopening as I am running into the same problem.

Drupal 9.5.10
Search_api 8.x-1.29

One server with 2 indexes of which one index keeps running fine, the other keeps reporting 0 nodes and terms to index.
Rebuild tracking information gives a: "The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later."
Dave's work around #3 doesn't seem to work either.

I also tried to setup a new server and index, to no avail.

Problem started when I disabled a taxonomy from indexing. Index kept reporting not to be able to find terms from disabled taxonomy.
Then I did a rebuild tracking info causing the index from reporting 0 content to be indexed.

The complete error message for your reference:

Drupal\Core\Database\IntegrityConstraintViolationException: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '63-search_api_task' for key 'PRIMARY': INSERT INTO "ip_posts" ("type", "id", "ip") VALUES (:db_insert_placeholder_0, :db_insert_placeholder_1, :db_insert_placeholder_2); Array ( [:db_insert_placeholder_0] => search_api_task [:db_insert_placeholder_1] => 63 [:db_insert_placeholder_2] => 1303258487 ) in Drupal\mysql\Driver\Database\mysql\ExceptionHandler->handleExecutionException() (line 50 of /home/***/core/modules/mysql/src/Driver/Database/mysql/ExceptionHandler.php).

🇳🇱Netherlands jandewit6

I agree on the structuring of fields. However, in working with volunteers who work quite unstructured, one has to come up with solutions.

The mentioned module (there is a module for that!) has the problem of messing with layout builder.

Anyhow, works for now.

🇳🇱Netherlands jandewit6

Just found out that there are modules for my use case: https://www.drupal.org/project/table_of_contents

Although I prefer the Views approach and be completely independent of modules, for now I implemented this toc module.

Any thoughts on the Views approach still appreciated!

🇳🇱Netherlands jandewit6

In the text below, I include H4 elements.
Question: in a View, how could I show the H4 text only and omit the [


Paragraph 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ultricies vel massa vel congue. Cras dignissim, felis eu sollicitudin finibus, libero est ultrices tortor, ac vulputate ante ipsum sit amet risus. Nam magna ipsum, sagittis euismod dui vel, ultricies sodales augue. Cras elementum sit amet sapien sit amet tincidunt.

Paragraph 2

Vestibulum volutpat rutrum consectetur. In blandit non felis ut facilisis. Donec tempor tellus at sodales rutrum. Fusce vitae tincidunt ex. Curabitur ut porttitor felis. Cras ornare sem vel leo commodo lobortis.

Paragraph 3

Phasellus viverra nunc eu malesuada malesuada. Maecenas sollicitudin quis augue id placerat. Morbi sit amet tellus vitae neque pellentesque vulputate. Mauris tortor enim, dictum eu libero sit amet, dictum dignissim mauris. Integer euismod in nulla quis malesuada. Donec posuere felis eget sapien tempus posuere. Proin non orci a neque commodo dictum ut vel purus.

🇳🇱Netherlands jandewit6

Again three years further, still seems to be the same problem.

Selection based on entity reference view, but widget showing all taxonomies and related terms in stead of entity reference view filtered taxonomies.

Any solution at hand?

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